Better Living Through Punk
Should current trends continue"although "trends" seems too grand a word for what amount to quotidian, repetitive habits and chores"my husband and I will celebrate our 20th anniversary next spring. At ...
Should current trends continue"although "trends" seems too grand a word for what amount to quotidian, repetitive habits and chores"my husband and I will celebrate our 20th anniversary next spring. At ...
Poland has been showered with what seems like excessive and surprisingly negative media attention of late. True, the Poles elected a new president in the summer, and a new parliament in the fall, but time has passed, and ...
Which one is Rose McGowan again? It's a complaint as old as Sunset Boulevard: "We had faces then," and all that. Presumably the same gene that makes new music sound like noise sometime around your 35th birthday ...
Today we will answer the question: May a president ask a foreign country to investigate corruption if it serves his "personal, political" interests? The "personal, political" angle is the last gasp of the impeachment ...
As every journalist and lawyer knows, it takes about half an hour to become an expert on any subject. In the days when I wrote for some of the less cerebral but well-paying publications of the British press, my ...
Welcome, Mr. 2014. If you turn out as good as Mr. 2013 did, we"ll get along just fine. Throughout last year I got happier and happier. In fact, it keeps getting better and better and at times I think there must be ...
NEW YORK—A strange thing happened to me last week here in the Bagel. Having read the review of Susan Sontag’s biography in The Spectator’s pages, my plan was to compare hers with that of Simone de Beauvoir—an opus ...
Canada is nice in a totalitarian sort of way, like some lost episode of The Twilight Zone where no one locks their doors and everyone is super polite"or else. "Submitted for your approval": if you live in ...
As the Jewish kid strolled up my walkway and slipped a flyer under my door, I had two thoughts: This is gonna be trouble, and I really need to get that gap under my door fixed. The flyer informed me that I had just been ...
Drinking was great fun when we were young. There were few things that I enjoyed more. Like Terry Lennox in Raymond Chandler's most booze-sodden"and that's saying something"novel, The Long Goodbye, I loved to be in a ...
When Mike Wallace, the decaying corpse from that venerable CBS sleazefest 60 Minutes, profiled me in March 1994, the cadaverous charlatan described me as a “high school dropout.” His wording, like his reporting, was ...
If you wanted to write a satire of leftist journalism, you could hardly do better than the sincere Sports Illustrated article on Meek Mill by DeAntae Prince. It concerns the friendship, meant to seem rather touching, ...
The Week’s Most Sadistic, Simplistic, and Fascistic Headlines IS TOM ARNOLD A C.I.A. MIND-CONTROL ROBOT? If it is true that whom the gods would destroy they must first make mad, the gods clearly have it out for Tom ...
In 1831, Frenchman Alexis de Tocqueville came to America. Four years later, he published an outsider's perspective of the culture that remained the gold standard for exactly 176 years. Time's up, Alex. I"m an Englishman ...
I"m just finding out that Roland Emmerich is gay. Wow, does that ever put his orgasmic famous-landmark explosions in Independence Day, White House Down, and The Day After Tomorrow in a whole new CGI light! Emmerich is ...
The Week’s Most Incurable, Unendurable, and Uninsurable Headlines BLACK RADIO HOST WITH ATROCIOUS SPELLING SKILLS SAYS JEWS “HAVE THE POWER” A New York radio host who was born Lenard Larry McKelvey insists on calling ...
White people everywhere, including my own children, are being encouraged, in some cases compelled, to acknowledge guilt for the cardinal crime of being born white. An entire generation has been taught, nay, indoctrinated, ...
The Week’s Most Quirky, Jerky, and Twerky Headlines CONGRESS: LESS POPULAR THAN HEMORRHOIDS It has been two weeks since the inaction of an obstinately squabbling Congress led to the current partial government ...
I fear not enough people are likely to read Colonel Eeben Barlow’s book Executive Outcomes: Against All Odds, which offers a detailed account of his eventful life as a crack South African soldier, spy, and covert ...
I guess I haven’t been paying attention, but it looks as if a lot of you haven’t been paying attention. During an online forum discussion the other day, after I’d asked some guy about the 139-word sentence he’d just ...
In his new book Coming Apart: The State of White America, 1960-2010, master social scientist Charles Murray flavors his portrait of the widening gap between the classes with some human interest by referring to the bottom ...
“Things reveal themselves passing away,” wrote W. B. Yeats. Whatever one may think of Donald Trump, his campaign has done us a service—exposing the underbelly of a decaying establishment whose repudiation ...
Race is a subject about which we all feel slightly nervous these days, because whatever attitude you take to it, someone will call you a racist, an accusation from which no plea of innocence is allowed or believed. This is ...
Sunday morning, President Trump announced that the world's worst terrorist, the head of the ISIS caliphate who had raped an American woman, had received justice. About to be captured and carried off in a helicopter by U.S. ...