The Week That Perished
The Week’s Surliest, Burliest, and Girliest Headlines CELEBRATING MARX IN SPITE OF HISTORY “Those who do not remember history are doomed to repeat it,” wrote philosopher George Santayana, but we suspect that even he ...
The Week’s Surliest, Burliest, and Girliest Headlines CELEBRATING MARX IN SPITE OF HISTORY “Those who do not remember history are doomed to repeat it,” wrote philosopher George Santayana, but we suspect that even he ...
Decades ago—long before this surreal pandemic that forever mangled the world as we knew it—I concluded that it was far worse to give someone the common cold by being an inconsiderate, unhygienic slob than to purposely ...
Zero Shades of Gray. The U.S. Supreme Court punted on homosexual "marriage" the other day. I can"t summon up much interest, having long since sunk into fatalism on the issue. The cultural revolutionaries ...
I hesitate to show myself in a good light"it seems so much more honest, somehow, to confess to being a complete swine"but the other day I did something that was comparatively good, morally speaking. I feel rather ...
There wouldn’t seem to be much left to say about the late Christopher Hitchens after the countless tributes paid by other journalists about the night (or afternoon or morning) they got drunk with Hitch. Still, I want ...
Over the years I’ve devoted a lot of text in this column to the “perpetrators” of America’s decline. The “intellectuals,” the billionaire donors, the think-tankers. But it’s important to remember that ...
If a curious Martian were to suddenly visit Earth, the brouhaha surrounding Donald Sterling's racist rant would be deeply perplexing. You see, Martians are like Vulcans, and can only think logically and scientifically, so ...
Margaret Thatcher had some direct impact on my life in three ways that I can recall. One. In January 1979, four months before she assumed office as prime minister, I left England for a trip to the Far East. I was quite ...
The curious affair of Fred Mudgeon began in 2015 when he, age 67 and largely blind, walked onto the field of the Washington Miquetoasts, the capital's football team, and announced that he wanted to try out for quarterback. ...
Nowadays it is impossible to go out on the streets and not break the law in some way, often unconsciously. The increase in prohibition and regulation with the viral excuse brings many European democracies dangerously close ...
When faced with a new conundrum with no certain answer, the single most valuable political principle is precisely what many people simply can’t abide at this moment: freedom of speech. During the novel coronavirus ...
If Mr. Trump had been caught on video talking about early Sienese painting I should have been genuinely shocked and surprised. As it was, could anyone really have been shocked or surprised by his remarks about women? There ...
Every time I write about my positive experiences attending black L.A. public schools in the early 1980s, I get pushback. Sometimes gentle pushback from friends, sometimes angry pushback from furious, red-faced men. To ...
CHICAGO"The death of an actor, especially a character actor, is always a profound event, because at that moment all those years spent in shabby makeup rooms pop into sharp relief, revealing rivulets of love, hate, ...
It’s a slow news week and I’m temporarily out of outrageous opinions, so here are my recollections of being down and out in Southeast Asia in 1972. Apologies to George Orwell, with whom I am not attempting to ...
The 2011 Miss America contest provides an object lesson in the decline of American femininity. Consider the winner: This poor little girl has so physically abused herself at 17 years of age, she has to wear a wig. This sad ...
One of the upsides to living in the panopticon is the ability to call powerful people on things they were saying a few years ago. Glen Greenwald has begun to do so, noticing that many liberals who were against the 2005 and ...
On an otherwise disastrous night for Republicans, who were the biggest winners? ANSWER: Gov. Ron DeSantis in Florida and Gov. Brian Kemp in Georgia -- the two Republicans Donald Trump hates with the hot, hot hate of a ...
For centuries writers have depicted the weaker sex’s knack for using gossip and manipulation to pursue their ends. Research on women’s in-group relations confirms this natural tendency, in which there was probably once ...
The Week's Most Laborious, Inglorious, and Injurious Headlines PLAYING POKÃMON AT AUSCHWITZ Since its release on July 6, the addictive mobile phone game Pokémon Go has seen such enormous success that it already gets ...
NEW YORK"Hi, I"m Jocelyn, and I"m passionate about cloud storage! As founder and CEO of MeCloud, I"m excited to be bringing a consumer-facing enterprise team to application design while using my 35 years as ...
The Week's Most Timeless, Mindless, and Spineless Headlines JUSTICE...OR ELSE WHAT? The Honorable Righteous Bean-Pie-Slingin’ Minister Louis Farrakhan"who helms an organization that preaches white people were ...
A trip through Europe has convinced me that freedom is overrated. Sure, Americans won a revolution and fought two world wars for our precious freedom. We are free to own guns, free to speak our minds no matter how simple, ...
Boo to the C.I.A.! It got caught spying on Germany and its top man in Berlin has been sent home. What I"d like to know is, what's so important about Berlin's open-book policies that we had to play dirty with them? Maybe ...