Rush Limbaugh

Putting the “€œF”€ in FCC

George Carlin wasn"€™t funny. His "€œjokes"€ about the Catholic Church were juvenile truisms. On other topics, his "€œbrilliant"€ observations barely approach cheap birthday-card standards. Carlin's ingenuity ...

Ron Paul Drops the H-Bomb

My dream of a Bachmann-Paul Republican ticket in 2012 is fading fast. Vain are the hopes of man! My notion was that Ron would educate Michele in foreign aid’s futility and the virtues of minding our own national business, ...

The 2020s: The Car Crash Decade

Traffic fatalities, like murders, should be in steady decline due to improving technology and big data analyses of danger spots leading to better policing and infrastructure. That’s happening in much of the world, but not ...

Malcolm McDowell

The Science of Cool

About 30 years ago, I set out to write an essay"€”that sounds so pretentious, sorry"€”but never got past the title: "€œ"€˜Cool"€™ Is Not a Christian Virtue."€ Thinking deeply, or trying to, about such shallow, ...

Al Jolson

Blackface: What’s the Big Deal?

Virginia’s Democratic Party is currently in a state of white-hot (pun intended) crisis due to the fact that two high-ranking white politicians have admitted to wearing blackface in the distant past, whereas a high-ranking ...

The Week That Perished

China—birthplace of the coronavirus and the place where it was possibly invented—is a nation of 1.4 billion people, roughly three of whom are free to speak their mind at any given ...

The Week That Perished

The Week’s Most Trending, Offending, and Year-Ending Headlines BLACK SWAN LAKE The ballet dancers weren’t really very good—no better than anybody else would have been, anyway. They were burdened with sashweights and ...

Brain Drain: Gain or Bane?

Last week’s column covered America’s ongoing march toward a dystopic antiwhite apartheid from the perspective of quisling whites. This week, I’ll stick with the apartheid theme, but from a different angle. Let’s ...

CDC: White Lives Matter Less

I’ve been pointing out for some time now that the acronym for the fashionable keywords Diversity-Inclusion-Equity is DIE. But I didn’t mean for the federal Centers for Disease Control to take DIE seriously when drawing ...

We’re All Harvey Weinsteins Now

Okay, chaps, keep your hands where people can see them, and don’t touch. And try not to look. Soon that too will be a crime, so keep your eyes on the ground and you’ll be fine. The other thing to stay away from is due ...

Raise a Drumstick to the Indians

Thanksgiving is thousands of years old and can be traced back to Catholics, Puritans, and even Guy Fawkes. In the modern narrative, however, it's a blasphemous day where we overindulge ourselves while ignoring the horrible ...

It Must Be a Conspiracy

It is curious that we are never more than a slight physiological or anatomical derangement away from paranoia. An alteration of blood chemistry is often sufficient to make us believe that they are after us, and to act upon ...

Tyson Fury

The Great Black Nope

Can a white man box a black man without making everything racial? Absolutely. It’s the black boxers who can’t seem to help themselves. On Saturday night in Las Vegas, two undefeated heavyweight boxers had a rematch to ...

A Tale of Extravagant Greed

I first met the man whose opioid products have supposedly killed 200,000 Americans 51 years ago, at the Hotel du Cap-d’Antibes. Mortimer Sackler looked old even back then, had a Noo Yawk accent, and without ever having ...

The Week That Perished

The week’s most inflammatory, defamatory, and masturbatory headlines 1. “TWEET, TWEET,” SAID THE STOOL PIGEON Twitter, the premier website for the world’s shrinking attention span, has yielded to ...

Torc Waterfall in Ireland

The Demand for Perfection

I was in New York when Lehman Brothers collapsed, in Dubai when property lost half its value in a few days, and in Dublin recently when there was a demonstration against the government. I do not conclude from this that I am ...

The Week That Perished

The Week’s Most Frenetic, Splenetic, and Apathetic Headlines ELIZABETH WARREN PROVES THAT RACE IS MORE THAN A SOCIAL CONSTRUCT By releasing her DNA results in order to claim undeniable proof of Injun heritage, ...

Humor is Truth

Writing "€œIt's been a bad week for white professors"€ is a lazy, hacky opening. Especially because it cues up, at least in my movie-addled mind, Addison DeWitt's weary counterpunch about "€œthe history of the ...

Rise of the Stoics

God bless the South. As a Pennsylvania-born descendant of loyalists, I can"€™t say that enough. From resisting tariffs to the Civil War to desegregation, the South has been a thorn in the side of the federal government ...

Manhattan Beach, CA

A House Divided

As I’ve been known to point out, the “equity” that the all-conquering Diversity-Inclusion-Equity (DIE) crusade truly wants is your equity in your home. Current developments in Evanston, Ill., and Manhattan Beach, ...

Monica Lewinsky

The Orations of Monica Lewinsky

That Monica Lewinsky got a standing ovation after giving a speech isn"€™t the part of the story I"€™d have picked for my headline. It would be news if Monica"€”or your second grader, or the cast of a tepid community ...

Hype’s Premier Task

Political correctness. The dreariest, most depressing and dismal words in the English language, almost as depraved as the word "€œhype."€ The apostles of P.C. claim to teach tolerance and diversity, but heaven help ...

Gaston Gaston 1883

Social Science v. Social Engineering

In his impressive first book, Uncontrolled: The Surprising Payoff of Trial-and-Error for Business, Politics, and Society, entrepreneur/intellectual Jim Manzi has the makings of an airport best seller in the genre of Steven ...

Can Europe Survive This Invasion?

“A modern day mass migration is taking place ... that could change the face of Europe’s civilization,” warned Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban. “If that happens, that is irreversible. ... There ...

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