Katt Williams

Stand Up and Say You’re Sorry

Here’s how I know the West is doomed. Yeah, the replacement rate is under 2.1 and Chaz Bono is on Dancing With the Stars. But here’s the real reason: Comedians. I heard this all my life, and so did you: ...

Donald Trump

Smells Like Victory

America’s 2016 presidential campaign is turning out to be the longest Rocky movie ever made. Since the moment that Donald Trump announced his candidacy in June 2015, the scoffers and sneerers and naysayers have ...

Busing: That Little Jew Was Me

“That little girl was me,” declared mocha madwoman Kamala Harris during the first debate of the Kallikak Party candidates, as she “devastated” Joe Biden by making the killer point that she’d been among the first ...

It’s Hard to Be a Homo in Russia

A new Cold War is brewing between Russia and the West, but this time it's being fought over the rainbow flag. As the USA rapidly morphs into a continent-spanning version of Fire Island, a homo paradise where tiny fairy ...

The 14 Most Annoying People of 2014

For even the most mildly sentient among us, living in the modern world is like being crucified on an old rugged cross of perpetual annoyance. Public discourse"€”if you can call it that"€”has devolved into a ghastly ...

Dear White People: Stop Apologizing

All across America, white people are apologizing to black people for things they didn’t do and historical situations they had no hand in creating. While it obviously makes these self-flagellating Caucasoids feel good ...

The Week That Perished

The Week’s Most Toxical, Paradoxical, and Equinoxical Headlines WAIL, WAIL, THE GANG’S ALL HERE Remember when America’s “backyard” mattered? When people were obsessed with nations like El Salvador, Nicaragua, and ...

The White Punishment Project

Parkgoers enjoyed a heartwarming spectacle at Disneyland’s Anaheim location last weekend. It all started in extremely implausible circumstances, when a young black man felt that he and his daughter had been ...

Henry Harpending

The Scientist vs. the SPLC

The dumbing down of the establishment left is amusingly illustrated by how the Southern Poverty Law Center, America's most lucrative hate group, put the great scientist Henry Harpending (1944"€“2016) on their ...

Los Angeles River

Ghost Inside Your Haunted Head

In my column several weeks ago, I took a swipe at certain types of Christian conservatives, suggesting that their belief in the reality of "€œdemonic possession"€ leads them to accept wild notions about how the ...

Rescuing America From Itself

Last week, Kurdish authorities rescued 16-year-old Marlin Stivani Nivarlain at the behest of the Swedish government. Like something out of an SNL sketch, she had emigrated to northern Iraq because her boyfriend joined ISIS ...

Gawker Media: Hypocrites vs. Douchecanoes

In 2002, a failed British journalist named Nick Denton started Gawker, a bitchy gossip blog run out of his Manhattan apartment. Over 10 years later, Gawker and its sister sites have become the biggest names in ...

Maureen Dowd

Is Maureen Dowd Obsolete?

“Without men, civilization would last until the oil needed changing.” "€”Federicius Aurelius Superomnem, 345 BC Oh god, oh god. Death, taxes, migraine, sinus drainage, beriberi, and Maureen Dowd, the ...

Bill Kristol

The 17 Most Annoying People of 2017

Writing this on New Year’s Eve and staring at the past annum in the rearview mirror, you can bet every last hair on your ass that I’m annoyed. Then again, I’m offended by nothing and bothered by everything. With the ...

1 + 1 = You”€™re a Racist

Piper Harron is an unhappy-looking black woman whose mood would be greatly improved if white male math professors would just "€™fess up to their unearned privilege and quit their jobs. She is currently a "€œtemporary ...

Ziggy Stardust aka David Bowie

50 Shades of Faggotry

It’s Black History Month, but gays are the new blacks, so let’s dip into some timely homosexual lore: On Valentine’s Day, 1974, we were informed that “David Bowie turned down a Gay Liberation group ...

Kim Kardashian and Kanye West

A Dummy’s Guide to Lowbrow Culture

After 9/11, Vanity Fair editor Graydon Carter declared "€œthe end of the age of irony."€ Now that politics has been taken over by a winner, we declare "€œthe end of the age of politics."€ Trump promised us ...

Temple of Kukulcan

The Mexico Way

Why does Donald Trump dumb down his speeches? For a clue, consider how badly the elite media continues to miss the point of the most notorious thing he ever said, this infinitely denounced passage in his June 16, 2015, ...

Racial Ratios

Earlier this month, John Rivers tweeted out his hope for the future: I dream of a world where a mid­level manager in a mid­level company can accurately quote FBI crime statistics on Facebook and not be fired. We ...

Lining Up to Get Berned

I went to a Bernie Sanders rally dressed as a liberal douche and it went exactly as expected. It was in Washington Square Park next to NYU and there were about 27,000 students, hipsters, and Ben & Jerry's boomers there ...

Glory Hole, Glory Hole, Hallelujah!

President Obama is spending the waning months of his administration with his grubby hands in an oddly appropriate place: the toilet. Apparently, the prez has an obsession with trans folk and bathrooms. Yes, the "€œmen in ...

They Call Americans Monsters

This week gossip blogs like CNN focused on a black stripper who was being harassed by her ex-fiancé, Kim Kardashian's brother. It was obviously a pathetic display of myopic minutiae, but it was also a telling look at our ...

National War Memorial, Ottawa

Canada on its Knees

I"€™m in Toronto right now guest-hosting a show on Sun News called Straight Talk. Thank God. The Canadian media have been dominated by the CBC since the 1930s and they make MSNBC look like Fox. When the Sun came out in ...

Coney Island, N.Y.

10 Facts About Brooklyn Natives

While bemoaning Brooklyn's yuppification, many say, "€œI miss old New York,"€ but the same way Germans idolize Native Americans they"€™ve never met, outsiders worship native New Yorkers without having any clue about ...

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