A Stinging Endorsement
New York—I have never seen anything like it. If Adolf Hitler were running, he would match Donald Trump’s negative coverage. If Benito were in the race, his notices would be far more favorable. Once The Donald became the ...
New York—I have never seen anything like it. If Adolf Hitler were running, he would match Donald Trump’s negative coverage. If Benito were in the race, his notices would be far more favorable. Once The Donald became the ...
There is no better or more salutary way of reminding yourself of your own profound and irreparable ignorance than to browse in a well-stocked secondhand bookshop. It is also a way to overcome misanthropy, if to such you are ...
A friend of my wife’s wants to tidy her house before she dies. As she has not done so for forty years so far, it is unlikely that she will succeed. In like fashion, I want to catalog my books before I die, but I have ...
Word has it that tiny brown children are screaming at our southern border, but you probably can’t hear them because too many other people—in most cases, much paler and larger people—are drowning them out by screaming ...
Pedants delight in error, not in truth, and fall upon it like scavengers on a carcass. I have books, pre-owned—or even pre-loved, as dealers in secondhand objects are now inclined to call them—in which pedants have ...
Athens—This grimy, semi-Levantine, ancient city has its beauty spots, with childhood memories indelibly attached. A turn of the century apartment building, across the street from my house, where in 1942 or ’43 I watched ...
L.A.’s criminal underclass has only just realized that the county’s Covid-mandated outdoor dining lends itself well to grab ’n’ go robberies (amazing the revelation didn’t occur earlier, but low IQ leads to ...
Not to fall prey to bitter emotion is easier said than avoided. And, far more often than I"d like, I become the inflamed possession of spite's nefarious claw, particularly when reading and watching the media's coverage ...
I arrived at my house in France recently to find the roses eaten by deer and a drystone wall damaged by wild boar in their eagerness to get at the hollyhocks. One of the bedrooms, moreover, smelled of mice. Is nothing ...
Excuse me, but I was promised concentration camps. In 2016, leftists told us that Trump, if elected, would build a network of Nazi death camps. And what did we get instead? A few measly “kids in cages.” Worse, those ...
Rian Johnson's critically acclaimed Looper, starring Joseph Gordon-Levitt and Bruce Willis as young and old versions of the same time-traveling assassin, asks the question: If you owned a newly invented time machine in ...
So Jewish people don"t run Hollywood after all? That was my first snarky thought when I heard about the flap between comedian Sacha Baron Cohen (Borat, Talladega Nights) and the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and ...
I watched a Pennsylvania GOP gubernatorial candidate bring an evangelical crowd to their feet three years ago by announcing that "Owning a gun is a human right." I mumbled to myself: "So is protection from body ...
KANSAS CITY—If you asked any American in, say, 1963 what he thought of the right to legal counsel, you would have gotten a 99 percent response: Hell yes, everybody is entitled to a lawyer. The most popular courtroom ...
Kanye West’s Jew-obsessed meltdown offers many potential angles for analysis. I could start with the “why do you still trust Tucker?” angle. Carlson prefaced his now-infamous Kanye interview with an assurance to you, ...
NEW YORK—“I’m spiritual but not religious.” WTF. Why do people say this? Yes, we know you’re spiritual. Everybody is spiritual. Mafia hitmen are spiritual. We’re all made up of body, soul, and spirit. So why are ...
In a recent interview with the German weekly Junge Freiheit, popular satirist and onetime fixture of the left Eckhard Henscheid explained why he had moved toward the libertarian right and was fighting censorship in his ...
Let it not be said that I started the indignant repulsion. That honor belongs to Takimag's own Joan of Snarkadia, the great Kathy Shaidle. Her latest call to arms over the trans-tyrants and their political enablers is ...
To London for a brief visit to meet Spectator readers, as nice a reason as I can think for getting on an airplane, except for an assignation with Rebecca Hall, my latest obsession with the fairer sex. Our new digs in Old ...
One buys books for peculiar reasons, and not only because they are good: for example, a few days ago I bought a book for its title and its opening sentence. The title was How Do We Become Criminal? and the opening ...
Once upon a time the American Establishment enjoyed business paragons such as David Rockefeller, Daniel Ludwig, William Paley, Henry Ford II, not to mention Thomas Watson and his son Thomas Watson Jr. Toward the end of the ...
The White House's official press release announcing the Build Back Better Act (BBB) pitches it as a "PLAN TO REBUILD THE MIDDLE CLASS." It rhapsodizes about "working families" squeezed by the economy, and reminds voters ...
Last week's Paris massacres of cartoonists and Jews might suggest to a dispassionate observer that endless mass immigration to France from the continent of Africa isn"t working out as well as expected, and thus it's ...
Sitting in two airports last week, in Paris and Riga, it suddenly occurred to me that I had not seen a single person who was smartly, let alone elegantly, dressed (I do not exclude myself from this stricture; I have never ...