When Push Comes to Shoving Cripples

Poor Richard Widmark. He made over 60 movies, but when he died in 2008, obit reels highlighted one infamous scene from 1947's Kiss of Death, the film that made him a star. The actor was doomed to be remembered best as a ...

Martin Scorsese in Hugo

Movie Directors Apologize? Really?

NEW YORK—Last week a $57 million movie flopped and the director apologized. He didn’t just apologize, he kind of humiliated himself publicly. This doesn’t happen. Directors don’t apologize. Is this the beginning ...

The Week That Perished

The Week’s Most Perverted, Subverted, and Disconcerted Headlines IS JIMMY KIMMEL A CLOSET HOMO? For nearly three years now, our late-night comedians have eschewed comedy in the service of churning out unfunny and morally ...

Rethinking the College Education Racket

Although American higher education has been terribly dumbed down since the late 1960s, it still has considerable practical value. College graduates earn more money, enjoy better health, and are less likely to get divorced ...

The Week That Perished

The Week’s Most Inveterate, Degenerate, and Confederate Headlines CONFEDERATE FLAG SPOTTED IN SEATTLE! The Pacific Northwest is an extremely white area of the USA that has extreme problems with its extreme whiteness. ...

Resisting the Campus Speech Nazis

DENVER—Every time I perform, I start out with a few comments about Safe Spaces and Trigger Warnings. 
I flash onto the screen a picture of a sensory deprivation chamber in a hostel in downtown Cleveland and say, ...

Satire Is Dead. Long Live Satire!

If you missed it, you missed out: one of the best comedy accounts in Twitter history (even better than @Vice_Is_Hip, which I long thought to be Gavin himself) has been eighty-sixed. @Salondotcom lampooned the admittedly ...

Brooklyn Bridge, NY

Stale Bagel

NEW YORK—In the dark she still looks good. The mystery and magnetism linger until dawn, and then you slowly see the lines and the harshness. Like a lady of the night who has smoked 10,000 cigarettes, the coming of the ...

Regime Strange

In Pyongyang I once nearly marched past the Great Leader himself (Kim Il Sung), but the British delegation to the World Festival of Youth and Students, into which I had managed to insinuate myself, decided at the last ...

Mohammad Reza Shah Pahlavi

Moderate Massacres

Reading Andrew Scott Cooper's The Fall of Heaven: The Pahlavis and the Final Days of Imperial Iran, I had something of a revelation. Islam isn"€™t at all the backwards, medieval death cult we think it is. There is indeed ...

Please, It’s a Horror Film

CHICAGO—For the first couple months after Get Out was released, I was beating the drums for it, telling anyone who would listen that it was brilliant dark-comedy horror with a Rosemary’s Baby vibe combined with a Roger ...

Race: So Much More Than Skin Color

When I was but a wee cup o’ broth a half-century ago in a little working-class town outside of Philadelphia, we referred to blacks as “colored people,” which to me suggested that humans are all identical Barbie and ...

Dennis Hof

The Week That Perished

The Week’s Most Pornographic, Typographic, and Demographic Headlines NEVADA VOTERS ELECT DEAD PIMP As the proprietor of Nevada’s Moonlite Bunnyranch and six other legal brothels, Dennis Hof was America’s most ...

Church of Mary Magdalene, Jerusalem

A Safe Christmas for Christians in the Holy Land

This Christmas our thoughts need to be with our fellow Christians who are being threatened in the biblical lands. No ifs or buts about it, they are being told to either join the Sunni-led opposition to Assad and renounce ...

Vladimir Putin

The Mind of Mr. Putin

“Do you realize now what you have done?” So Vladimir Putin in his U.N. address summarized his indictment of a U.S. foreign policy that has produced a series of disasters in the Middle East that we did not need ...

I’m a Terrible Person

STAUNTON, Va.—I just recently realized that I’m a miserable selfish tone-deaf insensitive creep. Why didn’t I see this before? All those years of reading the Times, the Post, Buzzfeed, and the Vanderbilt University ...

Talking Ship

A major Greek shipowner, whose political knowledge matches his wealth and business acumen, explained to me what the Qatar brouhaha is all about. My friend had the foresight to invest in LNGs, natural liquid gas carriers, ...

King Juan Carlos 1 and Queen Sofia of Spain

Current Affairs

GSTAAD—The jokes about keeping a mistress are old and I’ve yet to hear a truly funny one: “The difference between a wife and a mistress is like day and night,” “She’s been kept so often she was recently declared ...

Tell It to the Judge

The German word “Vernichtungskrieg” (“extermination war”) refers to a war in which there can be no negotiated peace, no truce, no détente. One side wants the other side to completely cease to exist. The best way to ...

When Man Invented Science

Pope Benedict’s trip to Ole Blighty is over, and that sanctimonious gasbag Dawkins didn’t manage to arrest him in the name of secular humanism. While I’m not a believer myself, I often wonder at such ...

Imperial Do-Gooding

Efes beer, the Turkish lager, was the nearest until recently that I had come to Ephesus, unless you count St. Paul's Epistle to the Ephesians, which I read more in a spirit of enquiry than of faith. Recently I had the ...

Crimethink and Thinking Ability

What’s the latest from the scientific frontlines in the IQ Wars? As you’ll recall from the press, the Bad Guys are social scientists such as Arthur Jensen, Linda Gottfredson, Charles Murray, and the late Richard ...

Life de Bois

From time to time I receive invitations by e-mail to attend conferences on something called medical leadership. "€œDo you want to be a leader?"€ ask the invitations, to which the answer, in my case, is "€œNo."€ I ...

Deflating the Identity Football

With identity politics and their accompanying political correctness in the news (as usual), it's worth considering how similar human urges play out in the world of sports. If Congressional politics is notoriously show ...

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