Julie Swetnick

Whatever it Takes

The Democrats' current position on the Supreme Court nomination of Judge Brett Kavanaugh is: We cannot have someone addicted to beer on our highest court! What if a foreign power were to ply him with this nectar in a can? ...

The Donald & The La Raza Judge

Before the lynching of The Donald proceeds, what exactly was it he said about that Hispanic judge? Stated succinctly, Donald Trump said U.S. District Judge Gonzalo Curiel, who is presiding over a class-action suit against ...

Light Skin Atone

Well, I warned her. September 1992. I was in Munich for the only reason I ever went to Europe, the sonofabitchin’ Holocaust. My traveling companion Tina and I had just concluded two weeks in Poland, and now we were in ...

Portland, Oregon

Killer Stats 2023

I’ve got some good news and some bad news about murder in 2022. The good news: Urban homicides appear to have dropped in 2022 around 5 percent versus 2021. The bad news: That marginal progress only gets us back to the ...

The Week That Perished

The Week’s Most Coercive, Discursive, and Subversive Headlines STUDENTS MARCH ON D.C., DEMANDING GOVERNMENT KEEP ITS OWN GUNS AND TAKE EVERYONE ELSE’S On Saturday in Washington, DC, hundreds of bajillions of angry ...

White (and poor) is the New Black

Multiculturalism is dead - long live multiculturalism? Another year, another denunciation of multiculturalism, another denunciation of that denunciation, another continuation of multiculturalism. It is a dead idea that ...

White Terrorists and Niggardly Limes

On June 24, NBC News prominently featured a story on its website headlined "€œWhite Americans Are Biggest Terror Threat in U.S.: Study."€ Clicking the link took readers to a site called GlobalPost, and an article that ...

Michael Moore

Limo Driver Murders Limousine Liberal!

It's no coincidence that both Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels were born into cozy bourgeois households nestled high above the dirty claws of proletarian squalor. Neither is it a coincidence that the loudest voices squalling ...

Minneapolis, MN

Derek Chauvin, Human Sacrifice

In modern America, we periodically offer up white men as human sacrifices to the PC gods. Among our benefactions: Jake Gardner, Kyle Rittenhouse, Darren Wilson, the Duke lacrosse players, University of Virginia fraternity ...

Rand Paul

Where Does Rand Stand?

Starting shortly before noon last Wednesday, the curly-haired and elfin-faced Kentucky Senator Rand Paul spent thirteen hours filibusterin’ Barack Obama and Eric Holder’s balls about whether the federal ...

Mount Mihara

Bullets From Heaven

What does a Japanese lesbian jumping into a volcano have to do with American mass shooters? I thought you’d never ask! Mount Mihara is an active volcano that sits on the island of Oshima, off the coast of Tokyo. For ...

It’s Not Your Grandfather’s Party Doll

GETTYSBURG, Pa.—So I was planning to write a cute little feature article about the guys in Silicon Valley warning us that the sex dolls of the future are programmed to hug you and so there’s a danger of the code getting ...

Harvey Weinstein

The Week That Perished

The Week’s Most Demonic, Hedonic, and Ebonic Headlines MARTIN LUTHER KING DIED SO YOU CAN TWERK The majority-black city of Flint, MI"€”rated America’s most dangerous metropolitan area"€”recently faced yet ...

The Week That Perished

The Week's Most Global, Immobile, and Ignoble Headlines DREAMING OF A WHITE PUMPKIN As the air grows cooler and the days grow shorter, we gather together this holiday season to confront the uncomfortable fact that Western ...

Antonio Banderas

Genocidal Pilgrims

Here’s a puzzler for you...a real brainteaser in the age of leftist “science” (a.k.a. the Golden Age of Unreason): Is actor Antonio Banderas, born and raised in Málaga, Spain, a person of color? See, the great thing ...

Equity: The New Equality

Tuesday isn’t just for tacos anymore. Yesterday was Joe Biden’s Equity Tuesday when he highlighted his administration’s extensive plans for upping racial “equity” by undermining the 14th Amendment’s promise of ...

Affliction Du Jour

There Affectation, with a sickly mien, Shows in her cheek the roses of eighteen, Practis"€™d to lisp, and hang the head aside, Faints into airs, and languishes with pride, On the rich quilt sinks with becoming ...

“Both Sides Now” (in the Key of Auschwitz)

I’m growing increasingly annoyed at the “demographics is destiny” trope. Not because it’s incorrect (it isn’t), but because more and more it’s being used as a crutch. “Death’s coming to us all.” That’s ...

Jessica Chastain

A Wilderness of Mirrors

Kathryn Bigelow, director of the Kill Osama thriller Zero Dark Thirty (which goes into national release Friday), has always been the film nerd's dream date: attractive, classy, artistically ambitious, feminine, and ...

Taki Overboard

April, according to the poet, is the cruelest month, and it got crueler 106 years ago when the Titanic hit the iceberg—and Hollywood the jackpot, after the sinking. Being a shipowner’s son—tankers and dry cargoes, not ...

Back in the Bahamas

HARBOUR ISLAND, BAHAMAS—A singer named Shawn Mendes recently announced to millions of his fans that: “The truth is, it’s so hard to be human.” Gee whiz, poor Mendes, and I thought I had drawn the short straw of ...

The Real World Reasserts Itself

Since the death of George Floyd beneath the knee of a cop in Minneapolis on Memorial Day, the nation has been instructed by its cultural elites that this is the daily reality that a racist America has too long ignored Our ...

Alan Turing

The Week That Perished

The Week’s Most Acrimonious, Parsimonious, and Sanctimonious Headlines FEDS FINALLY ACKNOWLEDGE “KNOCKOUT” GAME Although incidents of the “knockout game” have been documented across America ...

Angela Merkel

The Week That Perished

The Week's Most Frumpy, Grumpy, and Trumpy Headlines TIME MAGAZINE’S MERKEL CIRCLE JERK TIME magazine has selected German Chancellor and part-time nude model Angela Merkel as its “Person of the Year,” ...

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