The Good News and Bad News From the West Coast

The good news is that we actually have flattened the curve. Even in New York City, few hospitals are overwhelmed, and in much of the country, such as California, the situation is better than epidemiologists were predicting ...

On Sentimentality and Compassion

Sentimentality and hardness of heart are two sides of the same coin. When sentimentality is confined to weepy films or romantic novels it does little harm and perhaps even some good, but when it is institutionalised by ...

The Evil Muse of Bradley Smith

Sometimes a book is so rich and alive that through a kind of synesthesia it makes you rethink your crotchety opinions about other art forms. Bradley Smith's new book, for example, A Personal History of Moral Decay, weaves ...

World Trade Centre Oculus

Oculus Schmoculus

NEW YORK"€”I"€™m standing in "€œThe Oculus"€ on 9/11 and several thoughts are going through my mind. Like, what the heck is an oculus? I know it's the Latin word for "€œeye,"€ but what I"€™m standing in ...

Do the Rest of “€˜Charlie Hebdo”€™ Need to Die?

Since its 1964 debut, Fiddler on the Roof has been the leading philosemitism gateway drug. Ever the contrarian, I"€™m a Jew-lover in spite of that musical, not because of it. The movie adaptation aired on TV when I was a ...

Michelle Obama

Witches and Snitches

Watch out, codgers, curmudgeons and crackpots: Michelle Obama is enlisting your kids to monitor your thoughts. In a recent speech before five Topeka, KS graduating classes, Mrs. Obama encouraged young people to "€œask the ...

Kamala Harris

The Week That Perished

The Week’s Most Colicky, Frolicky, and Bollocky Headlines MS. CREOSOTE DEMANDS A RECOUNT Last week, officials finally finished counting the votes in the Sumter, S.C., mayor’s race. And what a barn burner it was! Sumter ...

Outrageous Cases of Outrage

Who said that African-Americans lack initiative? It was obviously a fool, and a racist to boot. White folks never came up with terrific initiatives such as speech codes, political correctness, and boycotting speakers you ...

King Juan Carlos and Queen Sofia of Spain

Royal Rake

The delightful readers of Taki's Magazine have spoken! I hereby declare this week's column to be a Hollywood-free zone. There will be no look into director Joel Schumacher and his alleged pedophilia or into the heretofore ...

Reflipping the Script

Unless you were living under a rock last week (or unless you have, you know, a life), you surely heard about Donald Trump's whirlwind anti-illegal-immigration campaign stop in L.A. on Friday. Trump was in town to give a ...

Legalize Laziness!

Marijuana is the abortion of libertarians. Small-government types, left and right, are unwholesomely obsessed with legalizing weed. Amusingly, both groups tend to stereotype so-con pro-lifers as hideous, crotchety, ...

Aborting the Trump Revolution

In taking that $915 million loss in 1995, and carrying it forward to shelter future income, Donald Trump did nothing wrong. By both his family and his business, he did everything right. In a famous 1947 dissent, Judge ...

Sasha and Malia Obama

Little Selfies on Hogwash Mountain

A "€œselfie,"€ when posted by an even remotely attractive girl, is a bit like telemarketing. Everyone claims to hate it, and conventional wisdom deems it to be incredibly annoying, yet it somehow still works. For all ...


Jonah Goldberg Goes to the Movies

I was too cowardly to join my anarchist comrades in their Reagan/Mulroney-era civil disobedience exploits, which sometimes involved throwing blood (real or"€”mostly"€”otherwise) onto some enemy's edifice. Instead, I ...

Obamacare: Mo”€™ Money, Mo”€™ Problems

Last week, the Supreme Court decided we all have to buy government broccoli for $1.7 trillion. This is the analogy fiscal conservatives are using to describe the Obamacare mandate that insists everyone pay their "€œfair ...

Hand in Hand to Hell: The Black/Jewish “Alliance”

Last week was the anniversary of the siege of Masada. The Jews lost that one, though contemporary scholars spin it as a victory in spirit. Also last week was a more modern-day type of battle: the Great Westside Kosher War. ...

It’s Tough Being Tough

No journalist this century has played a more persistent role in forging a new conventional wisdom on education than Paul Tough, long of The New York Times Magazine. Tough has threaded the needle between the inanity of Great ...

You Just Can’t Win

Everyone pities Prometheus, but what about that poor eagle, sentenced to pluck out the same guy's liver every damn morning? Did it ever think, "€œJeez, just once can I get maybe a kidney or something?"€? That myth ...

New President, New World

“Don’t Make Any Sudden Moves” is the advice offered to the new president by Richard Haass of the Council on Foreign Relations, which has not traditionally been known as a beer hall of populist ...

Joan Rivers

Cry Me a Rivers

When I read about Joan Rivers"€™ death, my eyes welled up with stinging tears. Not because she"€™d died (come on: she was 81) but in anticipation of the mouthwatering multi-million-dollar malpractice suit that was sure ...

Justin Trudeau

The Week That Perished

The Week’s Wispiest, Crispiest, and Lispiest Headlines TRUDEAU VS. MANKIND At the present moment Justin Trudeau is the prime minister of Canada, a frozen block of ice that exists for no other reason than to be jealous of ...

Voter Fraud Never Happens! (Except in these 10,000 cases)

The media have been lying about voter fraud for 20 years. The New York Times and The Washington Post will tell you: Let's get something straight. There are only two cases of voter fraud in history and they were both ...

Menstruating at the Mosqueteria

Whaddayaknow? Margaret Atwood warned us that North America would turn into a theocracy—and she was right! Funny, though: She hasn’t said much about that lately, now that The Handmaid’s Tale is being acted out in a ...

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