The War of the Cradle
What has the recent hubbub over “contraception” really been about? On the surface, it’s all maneuvering for the 2012 election, but the passions unleashed, especially on the liberal side, suggest motivations that are ...
What has the recent hubbub over “contraception” really been about? On the surface, it’s all maneuvering for the 2012 election, but the passions unleashed, especially on the liberal side, suggest motivations that are ...
Normally a synod of Catholic bishops does not provide fireworks rivaling the 1968 Democratic National Convention in Chicago, where Mayor Richard Daley’s boys in blue ran up the score on the radicals in Grant ...
Religion is in decline, tradition takes a backseat to fashion, and same-sex marriage is now looked upon as normal. What were previously taboos—swearing on television, watching films of flesh-eating zombies and ...
How is it that one recognizes one’s mistakes only after one has made them? The other day I was mortified to spot a gross grammatical error in an article that I had just published in a literary journal. To me it stood out ...
The Week’s Most Vile, Mercantile, and Senile Headlines ((((COMBATING ANTI-SEMITISM ONLINE))) The Anti-Defamation League is a wonderful and righteous organization that stands ever vigilant against the merest ...
I have no love lost for the Arab world. Aside from the fact that they basically gave up on modernity from circa 1700 onward and only rediscovered it once oil’s fiduciary benefits became apparent, there is the enormous ...
By and large, most professional journalists are more than willing to cop to errors. In the course of my work, I"ve been able to get Steve Handelsman, senior national White House and Capitol Hill correspondent for NBC ...
Jacqueline Kennedy’s oral history is now out, as told to the Kennedy courtier cum historian Arthur Schlesinger. In a foreword her daughter Caroline, another keeper of the Camelot flame, says that her mother’s story was ...
Most of us can agree that Karl Marx got it wrong. It wasn"t only that the Revolution didn"t come in the advanced industrial and capitalist countries as he expected but in backward Tsarist Russia, which, despite ...
The American people have increasingly become docile and reliant on government largess. I see a parallel between this burgeoning dependency and the breeding of dachshunds. The dachshund was bred as a killing machine to ...
Something very morbid is going on in the press these days every time there's an act of violence by a person who might have racial, religious, or ideological motives. If the perp is white, and if he has even the slightest ...
Yet again, a Catholic country has won a major international soccer tournament. Why are Catholics so good at kicking around soccer balls but so bad at running their countries? Is it because they are Catholics? Last Sunday ...
If you don"t stop something in the House of Representatives, it never is stopped. Period. Not sometimes, not oftentimes, not occasionally; but never. This applies to all legislation of all types from all ...
How long has The New Yorker been coughing up blood? Not that the magazine ever possessed the talismanic qualities for me that it does for its cultlike subscribers"many of whom, let's be honest, use their (mostly ...
Two years ago, I penned a piece titled “Denial Is Dead.” The gist of it was that Holocaust denial is basically over. All of its leading intellectual proponents have abandoned the concept, and soon enough the whole idea ...
Very soon all eyes will turn to Rome and mainstream media will have dissident "Catholics" bloviating away on the boob tube. They will be "very very disappointed" when the cry "Habemus Papam!" is ...
The wombs of America's women are in the spotlight once again. At a mock hearing arranged by DC Democrats in February, a lantern-jawed 30-year-old law student named Sandra Fluke (pronounced "Fluck") predicted a ...
The Week’s Gaudiest, Bawdiest, and Voter-Fraudiest Headlines BUD-BUD-BUD-BIDEN The bitter stench of Joe Biden’s duplicitous campaign is well-seasoned with curry. Turns out while every leftist media hack and his ...
The Week's Most Ferocious, Atrocious, and Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious Headlines MUSLIM ARTIST PAINTS "COEXIST" MURAL, REPORTEDLY GETS BEATEN BY MUSLIMS The instantly recognizable "COEXIST" ...
Standing up for work. So I got a new desk. I"d been reading these news stories about how bad it is for your health to sit all day. The phrase "the sitting disease" has actually been showing up in ...
“Why is there ALWAYS a big screen tv?” That was Saskatchewan blogger Kate McMillan’s one-line post about Canada’s “First Nations communities” last Friday night. So she noticed that, too—Canada’s ...
Journalists never accept gray areas where race is concerned. Flawed black men never get shot; there’s never an apportionment of blame. If a white kills a black, it’s always Hitler vs. Jesus. Why does Ahmaud Arbery have ...
Even after Trump won the presidency, Jared Kushner was embarrassed by his father-in-law, according to Vicky Ward's terrific new book, Kushner, Inc. In a speech to hundreds of New York bankers and businessmen on Dec. ...
Though I cannot demonstrate it statistically, I believe the US is inching toward coercive, state-directed thought control. On such "controversial" topics as immigration and race, it is increasingly risky to say ...