Mexico, as It Is and Wasn’t: Some Stuff Worth Knowing

For Americans concerned about Mexico and Mexicans, and what sort of wights they be, a little history may help. We seem to know almost nothing about a bordering nation of 130 million. It is not what most of us think it is. ...

Frank Sinatra

Ladies and Gentlemen…President Sinatra

Frank Sinatra's Secret Service code name was "€œNapoleon."€ Before you can finish asking, "€œWhy did he need one?"€ you"€™ll remember: JFK was practically a member of the Rat Pack, one of the few men for whom ...

Extreme Social Distancing

It’s a great time to be antisocial. It may be the greatest time in world history to be antisocial, with the possible exception of the Black Death. Unless it’s to sniff daisies, there’s absolutely no reason to wander ...

This One’s for the Kids

Whenever a colleague asks for voting advice, I have one stock answer"€”vote for whoever doesn’t have commercials with children. Whichever candidate trots out the tykes is the one lacking in ideas, so avoid him. ...

The Week That Perished

The Week’s Curviest, Perviest, and Scurviest Headlines LEFTIST JOURNALISTS AND THE WOMEN THEY CLAIM TO GROPE It is one of life’s sublime pleasures to see a self-described truth-digging “journalist” get hoisted on ...


Taki’s Tips on Seduction

“Hanky-panky” is American slang for doing what comes naturally. On this Valentine’s Day week, I offer you Swoon, a book about great seducers—and why women love them—one I knocked off in an afternoon. It is author ...

Hillary Clinton

The Week That Perished

The Week's Most Criminal, Subliminal, and Aboriginal Headlines TRIUMPH OF THE LEECHES According to recently released Census Bureau data, more Americans received means-tested government benefits in the final quarter of ...

That Every Mensch Be Armed

I could see it in my website traffic: Someone in the public eye had said something stupid about Jews and guns. People were trying to fact-check the comment, and they were heading straight for my site. A piece I wrote in ...

Chicago Hope

In Chicago, the kids aren"€™t all right. Graduation rates within its public schools were recently downgraded after a "€œstatistical error"€ overinflated the numbers. News of shootings is a near-daily occurrence. ...

Erick Erickson

Erickson’s Unholy Crusade

There are many things to enjoy about Donald Trump's unlikely climb to the head of the Republican Party. The media outcry, the resurgence of America First policy, the internet memes. Not only is Donald a mensch on stage, ...

Steven Spielberg

‘The Fabelmans’: A Drama About a Drama-Free Boyhood

To have been born in the USA in 1946 was to have been dealt aces in the poker game of life. Those born in the first year of the baby boom went through their days finding that there were relatively few older men born during ...

John Wayne

The Week That Perished

Even though black women outlive white men in America, and even though the greatest threat to black people in America is other black people, a lot of dingbats in places both high and low have gobbled down the ludicrous ...

Oscar Pistorius

The Person Behind the Door

The verdicts in the case of Oscar Pistorius, and the reasoning behind them, seem to me curious. Either Pistorius was guilty of murdering his girlfriend or he was guilty of nothing. I don"€™t know whether there is anyone ...

(His)panic at 20,000 Feet

"€œPassengers applaud as boy removed from plane for allergies"€ Hell, I clapped too and I wasn"€™t even on board. That headline made my day. Enough is enough! I thought. I have HAD it with these motherf—-ing ...

Dominique Strauss-Kahn

The Week That Perished

The Week’s Most Lascivious, Invidious, and Ridiculous Headlines GOMORRAH IN THE WEST, SODOM IN THE EAST Pterodactyl-faced ex-Congressman and Big Apple mayoral hopeful Anthony Weiner has been caught sexting again, ...

Dupes Duped by Duplicitous Duper

“Dr.” John Glynn is a fascinating monster—an anachronistic throwback to the past and an inevitable product of the present. Glynn is a fraudster, a faker, a cipher who claimed to be a psychologist and university ...

Is This Pope Catholic?

Such are the epochal times we"€™re living in that even timeworn truisms are at risk of obsolescence. Take "€œIs the Pope Catholic?"€ Those of a certain age may prefer Steve Martin's absurdist gloss"€”"€œDoes the ...

Bill Clinton

Bill Clinton’s Decade of Autofellatio

Saturday night I watched Bill Clinton give himself a blowjob for four hours, and it wasn’t pretty. From roughly 10:13PM to 2:05AM Eastern Standard Time, I passively and resentfully endured a shamelessly ...

A Burgeoning Civic Religion

I never want to belong to any club that would have anyone else as a member. Groucho's original complaint is incontestably clever, but when it comes to going almost anywhere, from the movies to Mass, other people are the ...

British Parliament and Big Ben, London

The Appeal of Inherited Power

Mr. McDonnell, deputy leader of the British Labour Party, which for the time being is in opposition, recently objected to the presence of hereditary peers in the "€œupper"€ house of Britain's Parliament, using the ...

I Could Have Been Such a Charming Serial Killer

CLEVELAND—Back in my acting days, I always wanted to be cast as the boyfriend/husband/charming-stranger-from-out-of-town in a Lifetime Movie of the Week. Who wouldn’t want that job? You get a great wardrobe in the early ...

The Week That Perished

The Week’s Most Deceptive, Perceptive, and Unreceptive Headlines ENTIRE FAMILY GOES TRANNY Seeing as how generous estimates claim that only six in every 1,000 Americans is transgender—meaning they mistakenly believe ...

Mob Rule

George Floyd, a 46-year-old black man, was killed Monday night after an incident that involved four Minneapolis police officers, who have since been fired. Video footage recorded by a bystander shows officer Derek Chauvin ...

The Return of Greece

ATHENS—This ancient city without tourists reminds me of the Athens I once knew and loved, but for the hideous ’60s modern buildings that defaced its beauty like plastic surgery gone wrong. Walking around the winter ...

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