They’ll Snuff Your Life to End Their “Stigma”

“Stop the coronavirus stigma now!” So screamed the so-called “science” journal Nature on April 7. COVID-19 must not be “associated with Wuhan or China.” Even though COVID is the product of uniquely Chinese ...

Gee, Why Can’t Trump Accept Defeat Like the Democrats?

In 1980, Democratic President Jimmy Carter lost in a landslide to Ronald Reagan, 489-49 in the Electoral College. So naturally, Democrats concluded that Reagan had committed treason in order to steal the election, to wit: ...

Downstreaming a Conservative Reaming

With seven days to go until the election, there’s no way a weekly columnist can keep up with the rapid-fire developments that’ll surely be cracklin’ like a burning log on Fox and CNN as we speak. So I’m not even ...

Rob Ford

The Stay Puft Marshmallow Mayor

Politicians and drugs: Is there ever a more brilliant combination? Toronto Mayor Rob Ford doesn"€™t seem to think so. A man who loves to hit the sauce, Ford is fighting to maintain his office over an alleged cell-phone ...

The Decline of Advocacy

My days of appearing in court as an expert witness in murder trials are over, but I am still interested in advocacy and am an admirer of advocates (contrary to a commonly expressed opinion of them). There are those who use ...

Peter O'Toole

The Week That Perished

The Week's Most Lurid, Florid, and Horrid Headlines A VERY CRIMINAL CHRISTMAS As the world girds itself for another Christmas"€”with quirky regional twists on the festivities such as Catalonia’s scatological ...

François Hollande

Indifference or Obsession?

From the unwanted compulsory television point of view, there are far worse airports than Paris Charles de Gaulle. At least no sound emanates from the devilish screens installed there, whereas in many airports the sound is ...

United States-Mexico border wall in Progreso Lakes, Texas.

The Week That Perished

The Week's Most Conspiratorial, Dictatorial, and Accusatorial Headlines MEXICAN NEWSPAPER: WE NEED TO BUILD A WALL A newspaper in that wondrously vibrant, spicy, technologically challenged, and intellectually deprived ...

Smart Women

There once was an American billionaire, one so powerful and paranoid that he insisted upon being left off all those Forbes lists. He never showed up to Bilderberg or Bohemian Grove, so after a while, he stopped being ...

Alexander Hamilton by John Trumbull

Bordering on Success

Donald Trump's era of influence may turn out to be a flash in the pan like that of previous celebrity politicians Jesse Ventura and Arnold Schwarzenegger. But he may also be building a political system as enduring as Ronald ...

Laura Loomer

The Week That Perished

The Week’s Most Curious, Furious, and Spurious Headlines LAURA LOOMER CRIES SO HARD ABOUT HER SOCIAL-MEDIA BAN, HER NEW NOSE ALMOST FALLS OFF Whiny Alt-Lite yenta Laura Loomer—best known for staging a hoax about her ...

Have Your Cake But Don’t Eat It

NEW YORK—If you’re having a gay wedding, and your cake has been baked by a man who thinks gay marriage is an abomination against God, do not eat the cake. I’m surprised I have to tell you this. People like myself are ...

Ron Unz Gropes the Elephant

Ron Unz is a funny fellow...not always intentionally. Back in January he ran a piece by a pseudonymous sieg heiler named Eric Striker that contained an error of fact regarding my Holocaust work (hard to believe that a Daily ...

Can We Still Afford the Slavery Tax?

Let’s take it as a given that we’re heading into an age of austerity. This may not be the case. There is no certainty in human affairs. The secret of tabletop fusion power may be discovered next week; the ...

Behind Transgenderism

It used to be said that the war between the generations was the only war where you eventually switched sides. This is no longer true. The modern craze of transgenderism means switching sides in the battle of the ...

Varg Vikernes

Varg the Distresser

Louis Cachet, the artist formerly known as Varg Vikernes and the mastermind behind one-man black (apparently now formerly) metal band Burzum, is back in the legal hot seat. He was originally arrested with his wife on ...

Michelle Obama

World War Webcam

Have you Tweeted, Facebooked, YouTubed, Instagrammed, or LinkedIn (LOL) your hatred of Boko Haram yet? If not, why not? What is wrong with you? Scowling through social media at the Islamist crazies who kidnapped 276 ...

The Week That Perished

The Week's Most Ruthless, Truthless, and Toothless Headlines OBAMA: "€œWE ARE ALL JEWS"€ Many Americans take President Barack Hussein Dolemite Obama at his word when he claims that he's a Christian. Others accuse him ...

Leonardo Dicaprio

The British Invasion

Are American actors in decline due to the rise of better-trained British leading men, as an Atlantic article by Terrence Rafferty contends? Sure, the younger Brits are more skilled actors on average, but when wasn’t ...

Chris Matthews

Chris Matthews: A Tingle Inside the Skull

I’m notoriously mean-spirited, so please believe me: When I say I think Chris Matthews has a brain tumor, I am trying to be charitable. The MSNBC mouthpiece’s show is called Hardball, but Oddball would be more apropos. ...

When Sci-Fi Dared to Dream

Here’s a cultural artifact of the minor sort: Issue Number 82 (July 1957) of Authentic Science Fiction, a monthly magazine of stories in that genre, 128 pages, sparsely illustrated. You can get anything on the ...

The Week That Perished

The Week’s Most Segregated, Agitated, and Constipated Headlines CHURCH OF SWEDEN TELLS GOD THE FATHER TO TAKE A HIKE Sweden is a beautiful nation in Northern Europe that once was the home of vikings but is now saddled ...

Trevor Noah

Class Homicide

Beit Hall at Plumtree School is a beautiful old building built at considerable cost over 100 years ago by early Rhodesian settlers, through which future generations, involving hundreds of thousands of boys of all races, ...

Who the Hell is Manny Klein?

Perception and reality, truth and falsehood, black and white; nowadays the salivating chattering classes don’t know their ass from a hole in the ground, as they used to say in Brooklyn before the yuppies moved in. Take, ...

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