Quarterly Potpourri

You can"€™t faze a New Yorker.  After all these years in the Big Apple, I really should know better than to try conclusions with the natives. Place:  Track 8 platform at the Long Island Railroad hub in Jamaica, ...

Alien Nation

Peter Jackson and Neill Blomkamp’s Malthusian fable of post-Apartheid Johannesburg. District 9, a violent science fiction movie set in a Johannesburg slum inhabited by 1.8 million feckless refugee space aliens, is ...

Shock Value

Courtney Love was right, and she was robbed. Thirty years ago, while still an unknown, she campaigned relentlessly to win the role she quite reasonably believed she was born to play: that of the clownishly made-up, blond, ...

Intersectional Deminism

It’s been a long time since I’ve felt fear. Back in the 1990s, when the Jewish Defense League was actively trying to kill me, I experienced many flashes of raw, visceral fear. But after the threat from the JDL passed, ...

Refuge from the Refugees

A woman friend once told me that the secret of being a bitch is to tell the truth in the nastiest possible way. In Fleet Street a succession of women journalists have been paid to be complete bitches, because male and ...

Robots of the World, Unite!

Antonio Garcia Martinez says he has seen the future, and it made him flee for the woods. Whereas he had previously toiled as a strategist for Goldman Sachs, an advisor for Twitter, and a product manager for Facebook, now he ...

The Week That Perished

The Week's Most Sectarian, Contrarian, and Barbarian Headlines GORILLA LIVES MATTER America in 2016 is a place where male gorillas who are trapped living in urban areas can be shot dead in cold blood, yet all anyone seems ...

Antifa’s a Laugh Riot — Until it Comes for You!

I wonder if Milo Yiannopoulos, Ben Shapiro, Charles Murray and Heather MacDonald are reacting to these antifa riots the same way I am. I mean, not that any one of us would enjoy the sight of reporters being trapped, chased ...

Simon Wiesenthal

The Turkey Who Cried Wolf

Here's a funny coincidence. Just as Netanyahu is hyperventilating against the interim deal Uncle Sam has struck with Iran in Geneva, a poster campaign by the Simon Wiesenthal Center in Berlin intended to identify aging ...

Piers Morgan

No Tears for Piers

Does anyone still watch CNN, or as I call it, That Irritating Background Noise at the Airport? When news breaks, most folks hurry to the Drudge Report or FOX News (if ten years’ worth of ratings are any ...

Dorothy Parker

Trying to Lead a Whore to Culture

My friend Mark Brennan and I were talking about class warfare. "€œIt's cyclical,"€ Mark said as he executed a perfect uchi mata during judo practice. "€œPerhaps over here,"€ I answered, "€œbut in Europe it's a ...

From War Whoops to Whining

As someone who honors the rich "€™n"€™ noble tapestry of Native American history and culture, I"€™m sorely vexed that there are still several major sports teams whose names and logos lampoon Injuns in ways that would ...

Lee Radziwill

You Say Wrongful Termination, I Say Murder

New York—Here’s a question for you loyal readers: If a fellow asks his wife to cook him a hearty meal of goat meat and she serves lentils instead, is he within his rights to beat her to death with a stick, as a New ...

Life at Half-Speed

I’ll admit it: I was apprehensive about the chemo. Some decades ago a female relative of mine"€”not long married, infant daughter"€”was diagnosed with cancer and subjected to the treatments of the time, both ...

The Week That Perished

Then, when it became very clear that the real intent of the exemption was to expose black people to coronavirus and make them easier to identify in criminal lineups, the county reversed their decision to exempt peeps o’ ...

George I

300 Years of Prime Ministers

All proper congratulations to David Cameron, elected last week as Prime Minister of Britain on the Conservative Party ticket. I can"€™t say I repose any great hopes that Cameron will actually conserve anything; but then, ...

America First

The Olympics tend to be the Island of Misfit Spectator Sports, showcasing competitions that got left by the wayside of popularity, such as volleyball and diving. So every couple of years when the Olympics roll around, ...

1968 Again

I have never been quite able to make up my mind whether there is no new thing under the sun or whether we live in completely unprecedented times. When we look at events close up and nearby in time and place, we are inclined ...

Joe Biden

Rapey Joe Gets Fingered

Would you rather have a rapist or an Alzheimer’s patient as your president? If Joe Biden gets elected, you may wind up with both, but it’s an important question and a crucial distinction. Despite all you hear about ...

More Stinkin”€™ Thinkin”€™ in the NBA

As you"€™ll recall, NBA team owner Donald Sterling was recently purged for being secretly taped objecting to his self-promoting mistress posting pictures online of the black superstars she consorts with in his absence. ...

Jussie Smollett

Poetic Jusstice

In keeping with my self-imposed rule of assuming that every media-hyped hate-crime story that barrels down the pike is “False Until Proven True,” I assumed that the grossly implausible anti-gay, anti-black, pro-Trump ...

The Moral Panic Truth-o-Meter

On February 27, 2013, Canadian historian and (more or less) conservative political operative Tom Flanagan gave a lecture in Lethbridge, Alberta. Driving home without a cell phone, listening to an audiobook instead of the ...

The Week That Perished

The Week’s Most Pathetic, Splenetic, and Phrenetic Headlines HILLARY CLINTON: STILL NOT SICK In order to silence the endlessly paranoid conspiracy theories spawned like demon seedlings from the right-wing fever ...

Geert Wilders

The Week That Perished

The Week's Gassiest, Brassiest, and Classiest Headlines GEERT WILDERS FOUND GUILTY OF HATE SPEECH, MAY BECOME DUTCH PRIME MINISTER ANYWAY Like Donald Trump, Dutch politician Geert Wilders opposes Muslim immigration and has ...

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