It’s Dumb to Play in Traffic
While leftist extremists continue to violently tear down everything they can get their dirty mitts on throughout the nation, their enablers in the mainstream press are warning us about yet another looming wave of ...
While leftist extremists continue to violently tear down everything they can get their dirty mitts on throughout the nation, their enablers in the mainstream press are warning us about yet another looming wave of ...
How many times have you heard President Joe Biden or Sens. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) and Bernie Sanders (I-VT) berate the Trump tax cuts as "a giveaway to the rich"? Biden and congressional Democrats now want to let expire ...
Whether looseness of language is a consequence or a cause of looseness of thought I cannot say. No doubt it is sometimes the one and sometimes the other. Perhaps"to indulge in a little looseness of thought and language ...
Why is it that those who pride themselves on slaughtering sacred cows always seem to have a herd of them in their own barnyard? As a politically unaffiliated agnostic iconoclastic skeptic asocial lone wolf with perhaps a ...
Whenever I gave expert evidence in murder trials, I looked at the jury and thought, "What a rabble! How on earth can you expect them to come to any proper conclusion?" None of them ever dressed for the occasion. ...
On the list of unenviable situations faced by weekly columnists, No. 1 would have to be the dreaded ill-timed deadline. I"ll be writing this the day before the presidential election, for it to run the day after. By the ...
No one plays "follow the leader" better than leftists; no one can mindlessly copy talking points like they do. It's one of the reasons liberals excel in academia and Hollywood, two industries in which imitation is ...
The Week’s Most Glowering, Empowering, and Gain-an-Houring Headlines COUNTING (JIM) CROWS Orwell was a genius. Prescient, prophetic, a visionary. Well, in everything but title choices. Because while you’ve certainly ...
Elizabeth Warren is a no-good, stinkin" fraud. Yes, we"re all familiar with her embellishing her family bloodline by claiming to be a descendant of Native Americans to get favorable treatment as a tenured professor ...
One of the biggest promises by Republicans in the 2022 election season was that if they won a majority in the House, they would defund the $80 billion that Biden wants to hire 87,000 new IRS agents. But now they are about ...
Like most governments these days, the Irish government is a patron of the arts. The problem is that most governments know as much about the arts as I know about how to select camels for a camel race. Naturally, therefore, ...
It’s been three months since I did a potpourri of unconnected items, so I shall indulge myself again. This may get to be a quarterly habit, I don’t know. Who can think that far ahead? There is something of a ...
About three weeks ago I had already grown Officially Tired of Election 2016, so I imagine the next year and a half will be torture for me. If there is any real difference between Republicans and Democrats, it is only in the ...
June 2002: A white woman named Valinda Elliott accompanied her boss on a business trip through the Arizona desert. When their car broke down and the boss suffered heatstroke, Elliott lit a signal fire to alert a passing ...
Having already confessed to being a reader of middlebrow fiction, I get occasional emails from readers asking for recommendations. Well, there's no disputing matters of taste, so don"t blame me if yours ...
The most "Valentine's Day" thing I"m doing this Valentine's Day is publishing this Valentine's Day column. Of sorts. Regulars know I"m not much of a romantic. Freud said that "love and work" are ...
Meet Paul Goldner. Paul Goldner is a jerk. Paul Goldner is also a teacher, which makes him a dangerous jerk. He’s a high school physics teacher in Newbury, Mass., and a Triton Regional School District Committee member. ...
The Week’s Most Muttering, Fluttering, and Stuttering Headlines FOLLY OF THE DOLLS The culture wars giveth, the culture wars taketh away...doll penises. In 1978, TV producer Norman Lear decided to dangle some “outrage ...
Recently we stayed a few days in Belgium with friends who had very well-brought-up children, that is to say polite and with excellent manners without having had their own personalities extinguished or crushed by formality. ...
As many readers of Taki's Mag know, America has recently experienced a nasty outbreak of white racism. While the hate-mongering culprits have been duly punished, it is clear that this stamp-out-the-brushfire approach is ...
Looking back at my school years, attending majority-black public schools in L.A. during the early and mid-1980s, I"m not so much struck by the things I experienced, but by the things I did not. Not once did I encounter ...
NEW YORK—The trouble with driving into the city is nostalgia. Manhattan Island looms into view and it always induces the same wonderment it did long ago. Once walking the streets, however, reality sets in with a bang. And ...
Last week in the Bagel, and then London here I come. As I write, hundreds of thousands of Jews are marching up 5th Avenue for “Salute to Israel Day.” They have been marching for close to six hours and although not as ...
A recent paper in The New England Journal of Medicine describes the use of surgery to reduce the weight of grossly fat adolescents between the ages of 13 and 19, who are more numerous both absolutely and proportionately ...