Asheville, NC

From Asheville to Trashville

For all the blathering we’ve heard over the past few months about how “systemic racism” is the nation’s biggest mortal threat, it’s become sparklingly clear that the real problem is systemic stupidity. The ...

Diagnosed With Liberalism

I rarely read comments, but someone recently sent me this one from David Brooks"€™ op-ed "€œThe Campus Crusaders."€ Anne from New York City wrote: It's not trauma; it's narcissism. I am a psychotherapist. Real ...

Ameena Ruffin and Korey Johnson with Towson University debate team coaches

Reason is Racism, Ignorance Is Strength

After all these years of bloviating, I still can"€™t tell in advance what will get people riled up. I"€™ll spend hours in research for a good deep thumb-sucking piece on Pacific theater geostrategy, and it falls ...

A Bleak Future for Jews

Ah, Congressman Steve Cohen—what a yukster! Two weeks ago, he had us in stitches by eating a big ol’ bucket of KFC when Attorney General Barr was a no-show to his witch trial (see, Barr was chicken! Get it? Get it?). ...

Joseph Goebbels

Dear Barack Obama (A Letter From Joseph Goebbels)

I realize receiving a letter from a time traveler can be confusing, and you may believe this is some kind of a prank. To verify my time-traveling skills, I have enclosed within this envelope a tuft of white hair from a man ...

Edward Said

The Vengeance of Edward Said

Contemporary white progressives cater to the most regressive tendencies of the various Others. Anybody who can get themselves classified as an official Other-American is today repeatedly encouraged to play the race card, ...

Valhalla for the Inarticulate

Cicero was a wise human being who wrote that a man with a garden and a library has all he needs. He also said that only a man without a brain Tweets. (Well, he would have said it were he around today.) The Oxford ...

Teamwork Is Overrated

I recently did a TED Talk here in Brooklyn and the conference's theme was teamwork. The first thing I thought when assigned the task was, "€œI don"€™t want to be part of that."€ Teamwork is the bane of my existence. ...

Earl of Chesterfield by William Hoare

A Whining Pretension to Goodness

I had to smile the other day on finding out about the "€œrepurposing"€ of a favorite quote. The quote is from Dr. Johnson, one of the most quotable men that ever lived. The Oxford Dictionary of Quotations"€”the good ...

What Hatewatchers Hate

I see I have once again made the Southern Poverty Law Center's Hatewatch Headlines. They link to, who caught me hatefully spewing hateful hatefulness in an interview I gave to blogger Joseph ...

Hillary Clinton

Triumph of the Mediocre

Hillary Clinton, so we are told, kept a spreadsheet devoted to her enemies, whom she rated on a scale of her own devising. I can"€™t say this surprised me: Mrs. Clinton doesn"€™t have a forgiving face. She is more Lady ...

Getting Wasted is Wasted on the Young

The kids today are often accused of being mindless consumers, but I don"€™t see it. They get their clothes secondhand, they steal their music, and they opt for skateboards and track bikes instead of cars. They get ...

Why Are Blacks And Asians So Darned Mean To Each Other?

A horrifyingly racist Chinese detergent commercial threatens to drive even deeper wedges between the black and Asian communities, further impeding their righteous mission of uniting as people of color toward their natural ...

This Week in Epic Beta Male Faggotry

I have a confession to make to all my straight male friends: I thought you were gay. Call it a hazard of big-city living: I’ve automatically assumed every guy I’ve met over the course of the last twenty years ...

2013: The Most Racist Year Ever

Experts agree that 2013 was the most racist year since the one that started the Civil War. Everywhere you looked someone or something was being racist, even asparagus. Most of these ten commercials were from 2013, and they ...

Burt Reynolds

An Open Letter to Men Who Send Dick Shots to Women

Dear Men Who Send Dick Shots to Women, Women do not want to see your dick. They aren’t interested in your abs, and they don’t care how much weight you lost. Men get dumped for partying too much or cheating or being ...

Occam’s Butter Knife

With Barack Obama solemnly recounting for us last Friday how being black in America has personally burdened him, race is back in the news. Actually, race is always in the news. Still, it’s worth using this ...

Gavin McInnes

Tackling White Privilege

The backlash for my "€œTackling Asian Privilege"€ was so intense, it made me feel like a Maxell tape ad. I got a handful of texts (how"€™d they get my number?), dozens of Tweets, hundreds of comments, and thousands ...


Why is discrimination against the short considered not only tolerable, but also amusing? In an era constantly on the lookout for prejudices to denounce, this obvious one gets a pass. The main reason our culture ...

Redwood State Park, CA

Manifesto Destiny

This Land Is Our Land: An Immigrant’s Manifesto by Calcutta-born NYU journalism professor Suketu Mehta takes pro-immigration polemics to their logical conclusion: “Immigration as reparations.” Historically white ...

Donald Trump: Carnage Recruiter

Of all the people I don"€™t envy, of all the unfortunates who labor away at the type of dirty jobs that would make Mike Rowe throw his hands up in frustration, the ones I pity the most are Muslim apologists. Sisyphus has ...

Michelle Fields

Michelle Fields Is Not Black and Blue

When #TheDress became a viral sensation last year, you had people who were absolutely positive the dress was gold and white while others looking at the same picture were just as sure it was black and blue. It was a stupid ...

The Cold Civil War Grinds On

Back in January I drew some parallels between the Civil War whose 150th anniversary is upon us and the lesser conflicts that disturb our domestic peace nowadays. I quoted Senator Mason describing the former as "€œa war of ...

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