The Real and the Bogus

When I read that several staff at Random House Canada had cried during a meeting to discuss the publication of Jordan Peterson’s new book, supposedly because of how the author had affected their lives (adversely, of course), I was not sure whether I should laugh, be disgusted or outraged, or even ...

The Decline of Cultural Understanding

Two friends in Paris invited us to dinner recently and then thought better of it. The problem was not that it would have been an illegal gathering, but that the woman in the flat between theirs was the kind of person who would delight in denouncing her neighbors. What greater pleasure in life, at ...

St. Pancras Station, London

In the Euston Road

Traveling between England and France recently was a profoundly depressing experience. First I had to get to Euston Station and then walk the few hundred yards to St. Pancras Station. The Euston Road, which runs between them, is not a beautiful thoroughfare at the best of times, and this was ...

Liars and Maligners

I would like to think that nothing human is alien to me (as the Roman playwright and former slave Terence put it), but it is not quite true. I draw the line, for example, at rap music, which always puts me in mind of experiments I witnessed during physiology classes fifty years ago, in which ...

Odd Jobs

When I read that the United Arab Emirate’s Minister of Tolerance had been accused of sexual assault, I could not help but smile. The account of the assault itself, if true, was not at all funny, quite the reverse, but what caused me to smile was the very idea of a government minister of ...

Bar Talk

Everyone knows what to do about the COVID epidemic—except, of course, those who happen to be in charge. They are floundering like a fish newly landed on the deck of a boat. But if you go down to your local bar or pub, you will learn exactly what ought to be done, and people who a few short—or ...

The Squeaky Wheel Gets the Snake Oil

President Trump was ill with COVID-19; President Trump was treated with certain new and expensive drugs; therefore President Trump was cured by his treatment with those new and expensive drugs, and demand for them will therefore rise. Why should presidents get all the best treatment? Such is ...

Everyone’s an Expert

As every journalist and lawyer knows, it takes about half an hour to become an expert on any subject. In the days when I wrote for some of the less cerebral but well-paying publications of the British press, my protestations that I knew nothing whatever of the subject on which they wanted me to ...

Pandemics Past

During my recent period of quarantine in England, I was surrounded in my study by piles of books that I have always intended to read before I die. Even this modest ambition is unlikely to be fulfilled, however, given their number, my life expectancy, and the rate at which I read them. It would ...

The Two Eisgrubers

It is difficult enough for people to say what they mean, but it is even more difficult, at least for some of them, to mean what they say. Moreover, some people neither say what they mean nor mean what they say, but mean something else entirely by their utterances that has almost no connection with ...