Armchair juries across America erupted in rage on Tuesday when a real jury found Casey Anthony not guilty of murdering her two-year-old daughter Caylee in 2008. After nearly three years of exposure to rancid details of a decomposing, duct-taped toddler, a car trunk that stunk of dead tot, and an ...
Nostradamus, whose name means “nose of massive proportions” in Latin, is a famous prognosticator who, if he were alive today, would probably command speaking fees equivalent to what Jesus Christ or Muhammad’s agents could get them, if they were alive today, too. Out of 942 cryptic ...
Yesterday our beneficent and merciful overlords at the US Department of Health and Human Services unveiled to the public a series of grisly images they’ll be forcing the tobacco industry to slap on cigarette packs in the hopes of dissuading consumers from ever buying their products. ...
From June 9-12, while the American media was focusing its cruel klieg lights on, oh, Betty White switching her brand of adult diapers or something, over a hundred of the world’s most powerful financiers and policymakers convened in Switzerland to nearly inaudible fanfare. One would think an event ...
Near midnight on Friday, June 3, Kansas City police were called to a house in a blighted section of town to find an eighteen-month-old male corpse that had been floating dead in a bathtub. Police originally assumed that Jermane Johnson, Jr.’s death was accidental until an unnamed five-year-old ...
As May draws to a close, we’d like to set a good example by making public examples of parents who’ve made bad examples of themselves this past month. All right, let’s clarify that and say they allegedly made bad examples of themselves this past month. Many of these cases have yet to be ...
The heads keep rollin", rollin", rollin" all over the world. So far in May: • A Mexican deputy prison governor's decapitated body was among eight headless corpses dumped in the state of Durango as part of Mexico's escalating drug wars. • Twenty-nine headless bodies were ...
Being an assortment of presidential endorsements, wild speculations, and cris de coeur by contributors to Taki's ...
The most blatant example of the Nazis" perverse cooption of Christianity is the assigning of the role of Messiah to Hitler. In this blasphemy Hitler takes the place of Christ; the thousand year reign of the Third Reich is the Messianic Era on earth; the Aryan race takes the place of the Jews as ...
Ooh, that smell! Can"t you smell that smell? Pew! It's the latest report from the Pew Center on the States, and it concludes that America's voter-registration system stinks. Released on Tuesday, Pew's report, titled Inaccurate, Costly, and Inefficient: Evidence That America's Voter ...