A Conservatism That Can Fight Again

As was evident at the White House Correspondents’ Dinner, it is deja vu, 1961, all over again. We have a young, cool, witty, personable president—and an adoring press corps. “I am Barack Obama,” the president introduced himself. “Most of you covered me. All of you ...

Jim Crow Liberalism

Having lost both houses of Congress and the White House in two straight elections, Republicans are going through an identity crisis, its leaders holding town hall meetings to “listen” to the people. “What should we focus on? Should we drop the social issues? How do we get the ...

Dead Elephants?

For conservatives fretful over the future of the party to which they have given allegiance, How Barack Obama Won: A State by State Guide to the Historic 2008 Election reads like something out of Edgar Allan Poe. Co-authored by NBC’s Chuck Todd, it is a grim tale of what happened to the GOP ...

The Obama Flu

Because of the peril of swine flu, Joe Biden said yesterday, he would urge his family to stay out of “confined places” like airplanes and subways here in the United States. Yet, the Obama administration will not consider closing the United States to airplanes and buses coming in from ...

Is Torture Ever Moral?

After opening the door to a truth commission to investigate torture by the CIA of al-Qaida subjects, and leaving the door open to prosecution of higher-ups, President Obama walked the cat back. He is now opposed to a truth commission. That means it is dead. He is no longer interested in ...

Got Roots?

Does Barack Obama understand the people he leads? Do his aides? These may seem cheeky questions to ask of a team that just won the presidency. But there is something in their cool, insouciant, blase demeanor, in the face of insults to their country, that suggests there yet exists a ...

The Apologist

For 50 minutes, Obama sat mute, as a Marxist thug from Nicaragua delivered his diatribe, charging America with a century of terrorist aggression in Central America. After Daniel Ortega finished spitting in our face, accusing us of inhumanity toward Fidel Castro’s Cuba, Obama was asked his ...

Rendering Unto Caesar

At the request of the White House, Georgetown University covered up all the symbols in Gaston Hall, before the Great Man spoke, including IHS, the millennia-old monogram for the name of Jesus Christ. Ignatius of Loyola, founder of the Society of Jesus, had adopted the monogram in his seal and it ...

German-Guilt Showtrial

On Good Friday, John Demjanjuk, 89 and gravely ill, was ordered deported to Germany to stand trial as an accessory to the murder of 29,000 Jews—at Sobibor camp in Poland. Sound familiar? It should. It is a re-enactment of the 1986 extradition of John Demjanjuk to Israel to be tried for the ...

Why Europe Won”€™t Fight

“No one will say this publicly, but the true fact is we are all talking about our exit strategy from Afghanistan. We are getting out. It may take a couple of years, but we are all looking to get out.” Thus did a “senior European diplomat” confide to the New York Times ...