Broder’s Brainstorm

Though Obama “may lose control of Congress,” says columnist David Broder, he “can still storm back to win a second term in 2012.” How does Broder suggest Obama go about it? “Look back at FDR and the Great Depression. What finally resolved that economic crisis? World ...

‘Just Say No!’ Pays Off

The polls and pundits are all in alignment now. The Republican Party is headed for a victory Tuesday to rival the biggest and best of those that the party has known in the lifetime of most Americans. In 1938, the GOP won 72 seats in the House. In 1946, Republicans swept both houses and presented ...

Tea Party Tory

Before the Tea Party philosophy is ever even tested in America, it will have succeeded, or it will have failed, in Great Britain. For in David Cameron the Brits have a prime minister who can fairly be described as a Tea Party Tory. Casting aside the guidance of Lord Keynes—government-induced ...

The Revolt of the Pampered

For the fourth day running, France has been crippled by strikes. Airlines are canceling flights. Travelers making their way to Paris from DeGaulle and Orly face long delays. Tourists are stranded. The Eiffel Tower was closed. Rail and subway traffic into the city has been curtailed. By shutting ...

Janet the Deporter

Is “Big Sis” one of us? Janet Napolitano, secretary of homeland security—Big Sis to regular readers of the Drudge Report—held a press conference last week that might cause critics to reconsider their views. Napolitano claims that in fiscal year 2010, ending Sept. 30, the ...

The Balkanization of Barack’s Party

After John McCain’s defeat, even amateur political analysts could see a trend ultimately fatal to the Republican Party. Ninety percent of McCain voters were white, and 90 percent Christian. But Christians have fallen to 75 percent of the population and are sinking, and white Americans have ...

Equality—or Freedom?

If you would understand why America has lost the dynamism she had in the 1950s and 1960s, consider the new Paycheck Fairness Act passed by the House 256 to 162. The need for such a law, writes Valerie Jarrett, the ranking woman in Barack Obama’s White House, is that “working women are ...

Adrian Fenty

Guess Who’s Not Coming to Dinner

“Blacks for Gray, Whites for Fenty,” ran the nuanced headline on page one of the Washington Examiner. The story told of how black Mayor Adrian Fenty, who got rave reviews for appointing Michelle Rhee to save District of Columbia schools, was crushed six to one in black wards east of ...

Who Is The Enemy?

The Rev. Terry Jones may just have exposed the ultimate futility of America’s war in Afghanistan. Consider the portrait of frustrated impotence America presented to the world last week. Our president and the secretaries of state and defense deplored Pastor Jones’ plan to burn 100 ...

What McCain’s Tactics Teach

John McCain is headed back to the U.S. Senate, perhaps a changed and chastened man, and perhaps not. But the manner in which he secured his Senate seat for another six years is instructive, and not only for moderate Republicans facing off against conservatives and tea party candidates, but for ...