Brave New World

The first reports in early May of 1960 were that a U.S. weather plane, flying out of Turkey, had gone missing. A silent Moscow knew better. After letting the Americans crawl out on a limb, expatiating on their cover story, Russia sawed it off. Actually, said Nikita Khrushchev, we shot down a U.S. ...

Governor Ronald Reagan and President Richard Nixon

Goldwater-Rockefeller Redux

“History does not repeat itself, but it does rhyme.” Mark Twain’s insight comes to mind as one observes the panic of Beltway Republicans over the latest polls in the battle of Obamacare. According to Gallup, approval of the Republican Party has sunk 10 points in two weeks to 28 ...

Is the Conflict Between Us Irreconcilable?

One way or another, the battle of the budget and the debt ceiling will be over by All Hallows’ Eve. Yet, as one looks deeper, at the irreconcilable conflict behind the present clash, only a roaring optimist would imagine we shall ever know again the tranquility and unity of the ...

The Beltway Lies of the Obamacare War

“In wartime, truth is so precious that she should always be attended by a bodyguard of lies,” said Winston Churchill. What is the truth behind the Beltway lies about these crazy Republicans crashing our government? Twice in the last week House Republicans have voted unanimously to ...

President Hassan Rouhani

Is Iran the Fourth Reich?

In the fall of 1956, Nikita Khrushchev threatened to rain rockets down on London for the British invasion of Suez and sent his tanks into Budapest to drown the Hungarian Revolution in blood. He blew up the Paris summit in 1960, banged his shoe at the U.N., and warned Americans, “We will bury ...

Senator Lindsey Graham

Lindsey’s Plan for War on Iran

This summer produced a triumph of American patriotism. A grassroots coalition arose to demand Congress veto any war on Syria. Congress got the message and was ready to vote no to war, when President Obama seized upon Vladimir Putin’s offer to work together to disarm Syria of chemical ...

America Says ‘No!’ to a Beltway War

Last week, hell came to the tiny Christian village of Maaloula where they still speak Aramaic, the language of Jesus. “Rebels of the Free Syrian Army launched an assault aided by a suicide bomber from Jabhat al-Nusra,” the al-Qaida-linked Islamic terrorist group, writes the Washington ...

Bashar Hafez al-Assad

Congress Should Veto Obama’s War

“Congress doesn’t have a whole lot of core responsibilities,” said Barack Obama last week in an astonishing remark. For in the Constitution, Congress appears as the first branch of government. And among its enumerated powers are the power to tax, coin money, create courts, ...

Who Owns the Future?

In the near term, bet on the men with the guns. The Egyptian Army, being slowly squeezed out of its central role in the nation’s life by Mohammed Morsi, waited for the moment to oust the elected president and crush his Muslim Brotherhood. Morsi was deposed and arrested, and the Brotherhood ...

Pussy Riot

Post v. Putin—Whose Side Are You On?

The culture war has gone global. And the divisions are not only between, but within nations. “Suddenly, homosexuality is against the law,” wailed Jay Leno. “I mean, this seems like Germany. Let’s round up the Jews. Let’s round up the gays. ... I mean, it starts like ...