Is Trump At Last Ending Our ‘Endless Wars’?

The backstage struggle between the Bush interventionists and the America-firsters who first backed Donald Trump for president just exploded into open warfare, which could sunder the Republican Party. At issue is Trump's decision to let the Turkish army enter Northern Syria, to create a corridor ...

‘Heartbroken’ Pelosi Fast-Tracks Impeachment

"This is a very sad time for our country. There is no joy in this," said Nancy Pelosi Saturday. "We must be somber. We must be prayerful. ... I'm heartbroken about it." Thus did the speaker profess her anguish -- just four days after announcing that her Democratic House would conduct an ...

US Vice President Joe Biden and President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko

Will ‘Ukraine-Gate’ Imperil Biden’s Bid?

With the revelation by an intel community "whistleblower" that President Donald Trump, in a congratulatory call to the new president of Ukraine, pushed him repeatedly to investigate the Joe Biden family connection to Ukrainian corruption, the cry "Impeach!" is being heard anew in the land. But ...

‘Locked and Loaded’ for War on Iran?

"Iran has launched an unprecedented attack on the world's energy supply," declared Secretary of State Mike Pompeo. Putting America's credibility on the line, Pompeo accused Iran of carrying out the devastating attack on Saudi oil facilities that halted half of the kingdom's oil production, 5.7 ...

Benjamin Netanyahu

Will Bibi’s War Become America’s War?

President Donald Trump, who canceled a missile strike on Iran, after the shoot-down of a U.S. Predator drone, to avoid killing Iranians, may not want a U.S. war with Iran. But the same cannot be said of Bibi Netanyahu. Saturday, Israel launched a night attack on a village south of Damascus to ...

When, If Ever, Can We Lay This Burden Down?

Friday, President Donald Trump met in New Jersey with his national security advisers and envoy Zalmay Khalilzad, who is negotiating with the Taliban to bring about peace, and a U.S. withdrawal from America's longest war. U.S. troops have been fighting in Afghanistan since 2001, in a war that has ...

China, Not Russia, the Greater Threat

Ten weeks of protests, some huge, a few violent, culminated Monday with a shutdown of the Hong Kong airport. Ominously, Beijing described the violent weekend demonstrations as "deranged" acts that are "the first signs of terrorism," and vowed a merciless crackdown on the perpetrators. China is ...

Exploiting Massacres to Raise Poll Ratings

It was two days of contrast that tell us about America 2019. In El Paso, Texas, and Dayton, Ohio, following the mass murders of Saturday and Sunday morning, the local folks on camera -- police, prosecutors, mayors, FBI and city officials -- were nonpartisan, patient, polite and dignified in the ...

Is Trump Capturing the ‘Law and Order’ Issue?

Did President Donald Trump launch his Twitter barrage at Elijah Cummings simply because the Baltimore congressman was black? Was it just a "racist" attack on a member of the Black Caucus? Or did Trump go after Cummings after a Saturday Fox News report that his district was in far worse condition ...

Trump Fuels a Tribal War in Nancy’s House

President Donald Trump's playground taunt Sunday that "the Squad" of four new radical liberal House Democrats, all women of color, should "go back and help fix the totally broken and crime-infested places from which they came," dominated Monday morning's headlines. Yet those headlines smothered ...