The PC Gods Must Be Crazy

Every time a human sacrifice is made to appease the gods of political correctness, the Sane Community yells questions such as, "€œWait! What exactly did the person do that was so wrong?"€ and "€œWhat parts were factually inaccurate?"€ and sometimes "€œAre you sure it wasn"€™t just a ...

Crossing Bridges on May Day

How was your May Day? Mine was all right. Actually, that's not true. It started off left, turned right, stayed right, and then went left again. I went to an OWS protest, sent out some charity T-shirts for Andrew Breitbart's family, appeared on Red Eye, and performed at a benefit for the OWS legal ...

Abortion is Soooooo 90s!

When a child is having a temper tantrum, you have to be very careful what you say. Even a gently concerned "€œWhat's wrong?"€ can send them on a whole new tirade. The same goes with discussing abortion. If you approach a so-called "€œfeminist"€ and calmly raise the topic they will yell, ...

Punk Rockers Make Good Conservatives

I grew up playing in hardcore punk bands and fighting skinheads, and the political mantra for that scene was "€œAnarchy and Peace."€ It seems incredibly naïve in retrospect, but being into punk rock was actually great training for becoming a rational, libertarian, paleoconservative adult. ...

How to Find the Perfect Guy

I walked into a bar yesterday and my neighbor was in tears. Her marriage is over and her husband is leaving her. "€œIt just wasn"€™t working,"€ she told me while melting in her chair. "€œSo?"€ I responded. This couple has a one-year-old child. HE's ONE! Who has time to worry about their ...

10 Hatefacts for Those Who Hate Facts

I first encountered the word "€œhatefact"€ while drinking with someone"€”either "€œshock jock"€ Anthony Cumia at a grimy Midtown bar or VDARE's erudite Peter Brimelow at the incurably snobby New York Athletic Club. These two characters are about as different as American men get, but ...

How to Tap the Missus

When I was 13 I was looking at an old Penthouse out behind school and Dale Aiken said, "€œThis is nothing. When you"€™re married, you get to see your wife's tits anytime you want."€ This seemed too good to be true. Twenty-eight years later, with a wife and two kids, I can attest that it is. ...

Barack Obama

Obama’s Shiny Hollywood Bubble

I just flew back from Los Angeles and boy, are my ears tired. The Obamaniacs there are even more brainwashed than their New York comrades. They have no problem with the president's limitless spending or his warmongering lies and actually think he's doing a great job. At least New York liberals ...

Andrew Breitbart: 1969-2012

It's stressful to be hated. It goes against our instincts. We want to be loved. But Andrew Breitbart was ...

It Shouldn”€™t Matter What They Were Thinking

This week, NATO personnel accidentally burned a pile of Korans while trying to dispose of incendiary propaganda. One account says the two workers who set the fire "€œwere oblivious to the significance of what they were doing."€ Although accidental, the fires of Afghan rage were fanned. So long ...