David Gordon

David Gordon

David Gordon, a Senior Fellow of the Ludwig von Mises Institute, is the editor of The Mises Review and author of Resurrecting Marx and The Essential Rothbard.

Richard Posner is a Suicide Pact

Under Discussion:A Failure of Capitalism: The Crisis of ‘08 and the Descent into Depression. Richard A. Posner. Harvard University Press (2009). 346 pages. Richard Posner tells us that capitalism has failed, but his own book leads to an entirely different conclusion. Posner, a noted ...

Richard Neuhaus”€”The Failures of a “€œPublic Intellectual”€

Under Discussion: American Babylon: Notes of a Christian Exile, Richard John Neuhaus, Basic Books (2009), 270 pages. Richard Neuhaus, the recently deceased editor of First Things, acquired in his life a remarkable number of famous friends, as well as a few enemies. He knew Pope John Paul II and ...

War Socialism

The key thought that underlies Obama's recovery plan is simple. The cure for severe recession lies in trying to "€œgrow the economy."€ Spending and investment have fallen off; the government, accordingly, must take up the slack. By doing so, we"€™ll "€œget the economy going ...

Money For Nothing

People who want to find out what Federal Reserve Board Chairman Ben Bernanke has in mind for the economy need to read some history. Bernanke declares himself a "€œGreat Depression buff,"€ and as a professor at Princeton, he published an entire book devoted to the subject. The work in question, ...

All That Glitters”€”A Financial History of the World

In The Pity of War, Niall Ferguson asked a penetrating question: What would have happened had Britain remained neutral during World War I? Agree with his answer"€”history would probably have turned out better"€”or not, of one thing there can be little doubt. Ferguson showed that he possessed an ...

We Will Berry You!”€”The Flaky Socialism of the Crunchy Cons

When you read the Crunchy Cons, one name comes up again and again. As a political movement, the group has been spearheaded by Rod Dreher, and it to him that we owe the phrase "€œCrunchy Cons."€ Yet although he has mounted a spirited defense of the group's credo in his Crunchy Cons: The New ...


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