Hard Right, Easy Mark

Joshua Goldberg is a walking stereotype of an Internet troll (Fat? Check. Lives with his mom? Check. No social life? Check). Through his complicated network of online personas, Goldberg was a one-man flame war. He impersonated an ISIS-affiliated Muslim radical, a Jewish lawyer, a free-speech-hating ...

Our Delicate Muslims

A phone rings in the Oval Office. President Obama drops his practice club and rushes to his desk. Raising the handset of the turquoise-green, crescent-decorated emergency phone to his ear, he listens, his face reflecting the intensity of the moment. It's as he feared"€”somewhere in America, a ...

One Foot in the Bunker

It was a bad night for Boris. Emmy award-winning composer Boris Zelkin (also known as the conservative pundit "€œLenin's Barber"€) and I had just engaged in a valiant online battle against GOP feeblemindedness, and we"€™d lost. It was August 2012, and more than a few members of our circle of ...

Queerer in the Bathroom

Last week, a 17-year-old boy in a wig and a skirt made national headlines by demanding to use the girls"€™ restroom and locker room at his small-town Missouri high school. The young man, whose real first name has not been released, began publicly calling himself "€œLila"€ this year, proudly ...

Curt Schilling

Nazis vs. Muslims: Who Hateth the Most?

Poor Curt Schilling. Last week, the legendary pitcher dared to tweet about the two things you just don"€™t tweet about (or talk about or whisper about or describe via charades): Muslims and Nazis. Schilling tweeted, "€œIt's said that only 5"€“10% of Muslims are extremists. In 1940, only 7% of ...

The Right’s Jewish Problem

South Park loves taking shots at Hollywood leftists, and never was that done with more skill than in the episode "€œSmug Alert,"€ in which liberal self-satisfaction, personified by George Clooney and his 2006 Oscar acceptance speech, forms a giant cloud of "€œSmug,"€ a deadly combination ...

Bernie Sanders

The Revolution Will Not Be Emphasized

Leftists truly understand the power of labels. They know that labels, properly utilized, have the ability to stigmatize and marginalize. "€œCisgender"€ is a perfect example. The left has persuaded millions of people to use a term that essentially means "€œI"€™m normal."€ To understand ...

Filling the Breitbart Void

In February 2013, when my audience was composed primarily of mainstream Republicans, I wrote a column titled "€œMasturbating Conservatives."€ The right was still smarting from an election that"€”how can this be phrased delicately?"€”pantsed us and mocked our shrinkage. The goal of my piece ...

A Dead Lion Brings Out the Left in the Right

More and more, the Internet is becoming as predictable as the plot of a Michael Bay film. Every new social-media "€œoutrage"€ is inevitably followed by "€œcounter-outrage"€ (i.e., outrage about the outrage). There's no way to predict what each new outrage of the week will be (a police ...

Cheering the Hate-Crime Relay Race

Something very morbid is going on in the press these days every time there's an act of violence by a person who might have racial, religious, or ideological motives. If the perp is white, and if he has even the slightest connection to anything vaguely right-wing, the liberal press screams, ...