According to CBS" L.A. affiliates, neighbors of Muslim mass murderers Syed Farook and Tashfeen Malik noticed some very suspicious things going on at the couple's apartment in the days and weeks leading to the horrific massacre that took fourteen lives, but they chose not to report anything, for ...
No one plays "follow the leader" better than leftists; no one can mindlessly copy talking points like they do. It's one of the reasons liberals excel in academia and Hollywood, two industries in which imitation is rewarded and independent thought punished. Mindless aping exists among ...
As this is Thanksgiving week, I thought I"d take a break from Muslim terrorists and social justice warriors and all the other negative stuff to give thanks for something positive that happened in 2015. In two separate but similar criminal cases that were resolved this year, a precedent was ...
In the early 1970s, Paramount decided to make a feature film based on the Star Trek TV series. An early story idea was presented by the legendarily irascible writer Harlan Ellison. Like all sci-fi, Ellison's concept was dense and convoluted, so I"ll give you the broad strokes: A powerful alien ...
As Sweden crumbles under the weight of an unassimilable minority, as the Swedish foreign minister claims that her country is facing collapse due to a flood of refugees, my thoughts flash back to 1998, and a lengthy, contentious dinner I had with one of the preeminent progenitors of multiracial and ...
What has the world come to when a Jew can"t exploit the Holocaust? And not just any Jew, but the prime minister of Israel. Oy gevalt! As most of the world knows by now, Benjamin Netanyahu's ham-fisted attempt to blame "Grand Mufti" Haj Amin al-Husseini for giving Hitler the idea to kill ...
When a San Francisco high school principal named Lena Van Haren withheld student-body election results last week due to a lack of black and Latino winners (the victorious candidates were Asian and white), the right exploded in understandable anger. To conservative commentators, the principal's ...
Did you hear? CNN took the photo of biracial Umpqua College mass killer Chris Harper-Mercer and turned him white! Lightened his skin, thinned his nose, flared his nostrils…the whole Voldemort treatment. Damn racist liberal media! Except it turned out to be a hoax. Some 4chan troll decided to ...
I could see it in my website traffic: Someone in the public eye had said something stupid about Jews and guns. People were trying to fact-check the comment, and they were heading straight for my site. A piece I wrote in January 2013 ridiculing a familiar gun rights meme (the one that goes something ...
I rarely show much interest in Canadian politics. Truth be told, I think of Canadians as the friendly, quiet neighbors who keep their front lawn neatly manicured and their business to themselves. Not like those other neighbors, the ones who always hop my fence and trample my flower bed. So I reward ...