The Pizzagates of Hell

In the past few weeks, I"€™ve had a good dozen people ask me about "€œPizzagate."€ "€œSo whaddya think, Dave? Is it a real scandal? Is there a "€˜there"€™ there?"€ My best answer is this: If you"€™re an American who is roughly my age or older, and if you remember the details of ...

Enter Mr. Manboobs

Until last month, I lived in blissful ignorance of the existence of Mr. Manboobs. Ah, those were good days. But now that I"€™ve had the misfortune to become acquainted with him, I shall similarly curse you with the knowledge of his existence. Yes, there is a "€œMr. Manboobs."€ His name is ...

See, This Is Why We Can”€™t Have White Things

I"€™m sure it must have seemed like a good idea at the time. My friend Larry Thomas, an actor primarily known for one iconic role"€”that of the ill-tempered chef known as the "€œSoup Nazi"€ on the TV show Seinfeld"€”spent this past Sept. 11 as I would imagine most of us did: mesmerized ...

Lyncher, Faker, Mischief Maker

When Democrats lose big, one thing is for sure"€”the pitchforks and hangin"€™ ropes are coming out. Using lynchings to deal with defeat is as old as, well, how old is the Democratic Party? And so it is now. The Dems were pantsed by a vulgar, obnoxious, politically inexperienced reality-show ...

Eating Humble Pie and Hitler Crow

In last week's column, I wished the Trump camp good luck, while taking great pains to not make a prediction regarding the outcome of the election. In my private life, I was not so coy. I laid down several money bets that Trump would lose, not because I wanted him to (I didn"€™t), but because deep ...

 Isoroku Yamamoto

Way to Go, Yamamoto

On the list of unenviable situations faced by weekly columnists, No. 1 would have to be the dreaded ill-timed deadline. I"€™ll be writing this the day before the presidential election, for it to run the day after. By the time you read this, you"€™ll know the outcome quite well, whereas I"€™m ...

Last Stand Against the Racial State

"€œBut why would any white guy want to say "€˜nigger"€™?"€ My perpetually outraged white leftist friend was, to nobody's shock but hers, outraged after viewing a thread on my Facebook page in which some fellow I don"€™t know made a comment about the dreaded "€œN-word."€ He was ...

Streicher’s Last Laugh

I thought it would be a bigger deal. Last week marked the 70th anniversary, to the day, of the hanging of the Nuremberg trial defendants, and I have to admit, I was expecting to read a lot more about it in the press. After all, with only two weeks to go before an election in which "€œliterally ...

Browning Our Trousers

Two months ago, I wrote about my hometown and its so-called Mexican problem. I made the point that, generally speaking, most white and Asian Angelenos are okay with the "€œbrowning"€ of traditionally black neighborhoods. More than that, I argued, Mexicans actually do a lot of good around here, ...

The Golub Gambit

I"€™ve taken a lot of shots at Trump this election season, and there's really no need for me to pile on now. Hell, when your own VP admits that he's ashamed of you, c"€™mon…it doesn"€™t take ol"€™ Dave Cole to point out that there's trouble in River City. We know by now that there are ...