CNN Channels Its Inner JDL Thug

"€œI was not angry since I came to France/Until this instant."€ So cries Henry V in one of the play's pivotal moments. Henry, having just learned of the slaughter of his camp's servant boys at the hands of the dastardly French, declares that up until that point, he"€™d been warring with the ...

Happy 4th of July, Slants and Redskins!

For far too many political-opinion writers, Independence Day has turned into an annual bitchfest about the U.S., with an inescapable flood of op-eds about how America is "€œwarlike,"€ how the Founders were "€œracist,"€ and how the whole shebang is merely an excuse for mindless jingoism. ...

Straight, No (Race) Mixer

Life in these United States can be very difficult for an African-American cisgendered homosexual male rice-queen. Like I needed to tell any of you that. I"€™m sure we all sympathize with Donovan Trott, a gay black filmmaker with a sizable chip on his nicely toned shoulder. Last week, Trott penned ...

Beneath the Fold

Looking back at my school years, attending majority-black public schools in L.A. during the early and mid-1980s, I"€™m not so much struck by the things I experienced, but by the things I did not. Not once did I encounter anything even remotely akin to the politically correct bullying that these ...

How Your BS Conspiracy Theories Help the State

The recent terror attacks in Manchester and London have energized conspiracy mavens. Even a prominent CNN analyst suggested that the Manchester attack could be a "€œfalse flag"€ (to be fair, he was accusing evil white right-wingers of framing poor lovable Muslims, but hey"€”for conspiracy ...

Stealth Jews

Last month, in a column titled "€œThe Left's Transracial Monster,"€ I wrote about the slow but steady acceptance among leftists of "€œtransracialism,"€ the idea that someone who is not genetically of a certain race can "€œbecome"€ that race by sheer desire. I pointed out that ...

Racism: The Last Refuge of Us All?

We"€™ve all heard Samuel Johnson's famous adage about patriotism being the last refuge of a scoundrel, but I"€™ve always believed it's racism that's the last refuge of a scoundrel. Race is what you cling to when you have no meaningful achievements of your own to display. It's a safe space for ...

Howard Dean

Strange Fruit (and Assorted Nuts)

Often, when people who know me primarily through my writing meet me in person, what stands out to them the most is that I rarely cuss in person. It can be a little disconcerting, because in my writing, I cuss a lot. But one-on-one, I"€™ll usually substitute "€œfriggin"€™"€ and ...

Ernst Zundel

The (Chosen) People vs. Ernst Zundel

In the forty-year battle between Ernst Zundel and the Jews, I think we can finally declare a winner. Hold on to your hats, folks, because the end result is a real shocker. In Harry Caray voice: "€œJews win! Jews win!"€ Zundel, for those of you who don"€™t know, is a 78-year-old Holocaust ...

Be Like Mike (Pence)

Poor Bill O"€™Reilly…taken down by a combination of corporate cowardice, female coworkers, and his own boorishness. It's an ignominious end to the career of a highly successful opinion warrior. Like Stonewall Jackson being ventilated by his own boys, O"€™Reilly wasn"€™t Derbyshire"€™d ...