Holocaust Denial Triumphant

Two years ago, I penned a piece titled “Denial Is Dead.” The gist of it was that Holocaust denial is basically over. All of its leading intellectual proponents have abandoned the concept, and soon enough the whole idea of Holocaust denial will be relegated to the waste bin along with the ...

Color Me Raped

When I was a child, one of the many life lessons my parents taught me is that it’s easy to complain, but if possible, one should strive to be constructive and add something positive to a situation beyond merely pointing out what’s wrong. No one likes a negative nudnik (funny enough, Negative ...


Have you heard about “handiblackin’”? It’s the newest craze. I normally wouldn’t lead off my column by citing a lengthy chunk of someone else’s work, but if you don’t know about handiblackin’, please learn about it from this Associated Press article: New Fad Draws Criticism, ...

Alex Jones

Alex Jones in Blackface

Poor Alex Jones, banned from Facebook, YouTube, Apple/iTunes, Periscope, Spotify, and (temporarily) Twitter. And dudes like me, who were being deprived of platforms long before social media existed, and who were being protested on the campuses of public universities back when lil’ Benny Shapiro ...

Lessons From My Porn Girl

When A-list Hollywood director James Gunn got fired last month due to an alt-right (some say “alt-light”...I’ve learned that certain trolls get steamed if you don’t recognize the distinction) campaign to embarrass Disney with decades-old pedophilia jokes, a lot of prominent (and ...

Flinging Poo at a Jew

As a child, the thing I found most startling about attending majority-black public schools was the fact that most of my fellow students had no idea what a “Jew” is. To them, I was just a white kid. A few of my schoolmates who had churchgoing parents had heard terms like “Hebrews” and ...

The Alt-Right Is Bringing Back AIDS!

It started innocently enough. People on the right wanted something a little stronger than National Review-style conservatism. As the most extreme elements of the racist left ballooned, metastasized, and became an intractable part of the “mainstream,” many rightists felt hamstrung by the rules ...

James Gunn

Shouting “Pedo” in a Crowded Twitter

It’s baffling to me that some people still can’t grasp the simple notion that humor is subjective. I have friends—decent, smart people—who’ll say things like “[fill in the blank] jokes aren’t funny,” as though it’s an objective statement of fact. Sometimes the blank is “rape,” ...

The Left Has Made Racism the Practical Choice

Leftists have a charming habit of embarking on crusades that end up accomplishing the exact opposite of what was supposedly intended. Anti-poverty programs that not only increase poverty, but institutionalize it. School desegregation programs that end up creating more segregation, as whites flee ...

The Media’s Self-Inflicted Gunshot Wounds

A few weeks ago, when a virginal loser with a gopher’s ass for a beard shot up the offices of a Maryland newspaper, social media was flooded with tweets from members of the press (a.k.a. America’s least trusted profession, and yes, that’s counting Indian guys who call from “Microsoft ...