Never in my life have I seen such a parade of gloomy faces following a midterm. In the aftermath of most elections, you’ll have the elated victors and the despondent losers. But what makes the 2018 midterms so unique is that everyone, left and right, is moping around with faces so long, Rondo ...
It was July 17, 1984, and James Huberty wasn’t feeling well. Something wasn’t right “upstairs.” The recently fired security guard in San Ysidro, Calif., (a border district in San Diego) was having dark thoughts. Violent thoughts. So Huberty, married with two young daughters, called a local ...
In terms of “optics,” last week was not a great one for the right. First, there was the arrest of “MAGAbomber” Cesar Sayoc. Now, I know this one is still hotly debated by rightists. Was the bomber a secret Democrat? Was it all a false flag? We’ll get back to that later. Because no sooner ...
Ah, the refugee caravan. Would it be a midterm election without a bunch of oppressed brown-skinned asylum seekers storming the border? In a way, these refugees are like cicadas, appearing with clockwork predictability anytime the powers-that-be need a good “humanitarian crisis” to tug on ...
It’s been a long time since I’ve felt fear. Back in the 1990s, when the Jewish Defense League was actively trying to kill me, I experienced many flashes of raw, visceral fear. But after the threat from the JDL passed, that was about it. It would be a long time before I’d once again feel any ...
It was 1 a.m. last Tuesday night, and I was drunk and conflicted. The drunk part is par for the course (I doubt I’ve seen a sober 1 a.m. in a decade), but the conflicted part was unfamiliar territory. I’d just returned from a private screening of the new film Gosnell: The Trial of America’s ...
If I were Brian Banks, I’d be obsessed with trying to figure out when and how I pissed off a gypsy. Because seriously, what else but a gypsy curse can explain this guy’s life? Brian Banks was a young man with a bright future. A skilled football player, he was in great demand by pro ...
When Mike Wallace, the decaying corpse from that venerable CBS sleazefest 60 Minutes, profiled me in March 1994, the cadaverous charlatan described me as a “high school dropout.” His wording, like his reporting, was inaccurate. Strictly speaking, a “dropout” is someone who willingly ...
It’s been a good month for Mark Weber. Mark is the director of the California-based Institute for Historical Review (IHR), a publishing house that dares to sell books that express points of view that some people consider bad. The nerve! I try to stick up for the IHR any chance I get. Mark’s ...
In the Asian-Pacific community, the concept of “whitening” is hugely controversial. Double eyelid surgery, nose jobs, etc. But “whitening” can be both literal and figurative. And what I’d like to explore this week is figurative whitening. Asians not adopting whiter physical features, but ...