The Unsalvageables

This week’s column starts in a Georgia ghetto, and ends in the Middle East. Some of you might remember Anthony Stokes. He was a 15-year-old DeKalb County, Ga., hood rat with a bum ticker who kept getting passed over for a heart transplant because of his “high risk” lifestyle, which included ...

William Christian Bullitt Jr.

Suicide (Final) Solution

In April 1936, Ambassador William Bullitt relayed an urgent message to Washington: “Enough with the Jews already.” I’m slightly paraphrasing. Bill Bullitt was one of the most fascinating and influential figures in American foreign policy in the first half of the 20th century. Bullitt was ...

Scott Rosendall

Today I Settle All Family Business

As this week’s column will run on the final day of the year, I thought I’d break format and do something a little different. People often ask me, “Dave, where do you get your story ideas?” Why, from my Mossad handlers, of course. But every now and then I manage to scrounge something up on ...

Hollywood Conservatives’ Year of Self-Harm

This should’ve been a happy Christmas for right-wing cinephiles like myself. The “social justice” horror film Black Christmas landed with the squishy thud of Oprah slipping on an icy stoop. Black Christmas tells the story of a plucky feminist rape-victim sorority sister who bravely campaigns ...

Manhattan Beach, CA

Settle for Less, You White Bastards!

It was October 2003 and L.A. Times columnist Peter King was angry. Mad as hell, in fact, about white Californians and their expectations of happiness. Arnold Schwarzenegger had just scored a landslide gubernatorial victory as an anti-illegal-immigration candidate. Yes, I know it’s hard to ...

The Holocaust Is Not the “Pill” to Die On

Last week I wrote about how the Tennessee Board of Judicial Conduct, following a review by an investigative panel, declared that I’m not a Holocaust denier. After the column posted, a half-dozen old friends peckered their way out of the woodwork to say howdy. “Gosh, Dave, I missed ya, buddy! ...

Oswiecim, Poland

Immigration, the Holocaust, and a “Cancel Culture” Fail

When leftists tried to “cancel” a judge because he refused to turn a blind eye to illegal immigration, things did not go quite as expected. This is the final chapter of a story I covered back in May. Memphis Criminal Court Judge Jim Lammey has a simple and straightforward attitude when it ...

Charlie Kirk

The Groypers of Wrath

You know the difference between an album and a concert? With an album, the idea is to create something with staying power. The music is meticulously recorded, mixed, sweetened, and preserved for repeated play. An album is timeless. I have friends who still play old vinyl. And I know “zoomers” ...

Franklin D. Roosevelt

Tyler Kent and the Roosevelt Whistle-blow Job

Remember that time Democrats hated a whistle-blower so much they turned him over to a foreign government to be imprisoned on an island? Think Gilligan’s Island but without the laugh track. There was a millionaire, however...a cuddly cripple with a fondness for war and a penchant for collusion. I ...

T(y)ranny Triumphant, Part II: Zhe Who Controls the Past…

“The devil’s finest trick is to persuade you that he does not exist.” And the left's finest trick is to persuade you that a man in a dress is a woman. In last week’s column, I covered tranny domination of women’s sports. This week, it’s the entertainment industry...and a lawsuit against ...