Ron Unz Gropes the Elephant

Ron Unz is a funny fellow...not always intentionally. Back in January he ran a piece by a pseudonymous sieg heiler named Eric Striker that contained an error of fact regarding my Holocaust work (hard to believe that a Daily Stormer guy got something wrong, but there ya go). Ninety-nine percent of ...

Century City

The Waning Luxury of Being Color-Blind

Folks on the right love to pontificate about L.A. with no concern for accuracy. Case in point: Last month a well-connected film financier jumped to his death from a building in Century City, and needless to say, everyone on the “conspiratorial” right just had to weigh in with “Hollywood pedo ...

Rise of the Crypto-Caucasians

There’s an old saying I just coined: “You can ignore the race war, but the race war won’t ignore you.” No matter how insulated you think you are, the people in this country who are dead-set on making everything about race will eventually reach your doorstep. Hollywood, that most leftist of ...

Holocaust Memorial, Berlin

“It Is Doubtful if the Negro Loved Him”

A reader of mine was displeased with a recent piece in which I laid much of the responsibility for the current BLM racial madness at the feet of leftist Jews in academia, politics, and the media. According to the complainant, I was failing to allow black Americans their “agency.” “They’re ...

Our De Facto Antiwhite Apartheid

It’s charming how upset some of you are that the new apartheid isn’t “fair,” as though it’s supposed to be, as if cries of “This isn’t fair” are a devastating indictment of a system that’s unashamedly engineered for unfairness. This refusal to accept reality is “charming” ...


The Myth That Burns Our Cities

Remember a guy named Michael John Breen? No Googling allowed! No, you don’t remember him. On Oct. 25, 1989, John Glenn, senator, astronaut, and American icon (the previous words were provided as a free service to millennials), was leading a tree-planting ceremony at the Smithsonian, because once ...

Jewicide Bombers

On Sept. 27, 1979, professional Holocaust survivor Elie Wiesel presented his formal report to President Jimmy Carter regarding the establishment of a Holocaust memorial and museum in Washington, D.C. The previous year, Carter had authorized the endeavor, and he’d tasked Wiesel with crafting a ...

“Roast in Hell, Old White Man”

Hollywood’s moral compass points in only one direction—the wrong way. There is no better example of Hollywood’s inverted sense of morality than the fact that as our Tinseltown “betters” were defending and in some cases bailing out the violent thugs who’d laid waste to dozens of American ...

Race Wars: Episode I—The Phantom Genocide

There will, by necessity, be an element of self-indulgence in this week’s column. It’s not possible for me to broach this topic without invoking my own circumstances; my apologies in advance. Let’s start by acknowledging a simple fact: There is no black genocide in the U.S. Period. You can ...

Can We Say No?

Ladies and gentlemen, presenting the most important Irishman in the world! To be honest, I don’t know much about him. My knowledge of Irish politics can fit in a leprechaun’s jockstrap with room to spare. So when I speak of Justin Barrett, I’m speaking with complete ignorance regarding what ...