Earth-Salter Apartheid

Sometime in the early 1990s a friend suggested that I watch a movie called The Handmaid’s Tale. I was vaguely aware of the book...I knew it was authored by some ugly old bat from Canada, and honestly you couldn’t have paid me enough to read it. But I have a fondness for dystopian sci-fi, and my ...

Aborting Trumpism

Sometimes you wish that a certain group of people were never taught a certain phrase. In 1997, when O.J. Simpson ran afoul of a civil trial, the geniuses in the press decided to teach ghetto L.A. the term “double jeopardy,” because provoking underclass blacks by making them think (falsely) that ...

Sacramento, CA. Capital building

Fatalism Attraction Part II: Scrotal Recall

So what went wrong with the California recall? Oh, not much. Just everything. In last week’s column I predicted that a Newsom victory was assured. And I explained why a contest that was polling neck and neck a month ago was now a certain Democrat win. Turns out “win” was an understatement. ...

Larry Elder

Fatalism Attraction Part I: The Protocols of the Larry Elders of Zion

When Larry Elder announced his candidacy in the goober-natorial recall election, I had a gut feeling that I’d be hearing from the media. Larry and I used to be close friends (before I got “canceled”), and these days I’m what I like to call “toxic twice removed,” meaning that I’m often ...

Sheriiff Alex Villanueva

Isle of L.A. Part III: Gringo Star Supernova

Part III of my series about the changing face of L.A. Click for Parts I and II. I ended Part II with a look at how L.A. County’s Hispanics are habitual nonvoters. Let’s pick up seamlessly from there, in Compton. Compton used to be so black (over 85%) that at my high school we had a litany of ...

Downtown Los Angeles

Isle of L.A. Part II: Schrödinger’s Gatos

Part II of my series about the changing face of my native city. Part I can be found here. When I was young, it was ridiculously easy for Westside homeowners to find a Mexican to do yard work or haul trash or feex spreenklers for ten bucks. The Mexis out here reminded me of the people I encountered ...

Ventura, CA

Isle of L.A. Part I: The Changing Colors of the Landscape

In honor of my upcoming 53rd birthday, I’m launching a two-part (or three...haven’t decided yet) series on the changing face of my native city. I’ve never understood why some people want to be lied to. It’s why so many opinion journalists just make stuff up. If you speak comforts to your ...

Larry Bird

The Abominably Slowman

It’s an incident that’s gone unreported outside the tightly knit community of science nerds and “skeptics.” Now, when I use the word “skeptics,” I’m not speaking of those who dare to question the “science” behind some of today’s nuttiest pseudoscientific manias (toddlers must be ...

Blackbuster Video

Last December I penned a column about a controversy that was at the time raging in one of the very last black areas of L.A., the Crenshaw district. There was a mall—known locally as the Crenshaw Mall, but properly titled Baldwin Hills Crenshaw Plaza—that was for all intents and purposes the ...

With Friends Like MAGA…

Recently, I wrote about my childhood friend Robert, a pudgy little Jew who got a hard lesson in reality at our majority-black high school. This week, I’ll lead off with my friend Greg. Greg was a short bespectacled nerdy white kid I knew in elementary school. He was a gratingly manic loudmouthed ...