You people, I swear. For months I’ve been longing to write my magnum opus about the superb 2021 post-Covid Taiwanese zombie film The Sadness and its impact on Sino-U.S. relations. Sure, that column would be of no interest to you, and sure, it would only be one sentence long (“The superb 2021 ...
Thirty-five-year-old Nicole Mokeme was Portland, Maine’s BLM superstar. She founded “Rise and Shine,” a woodsy retreat where “BIPOCs” could gather and rant about whitey. As Mokeme stated on her website, “as the awareness of white terrorism began to rise, black youth suggested the need ...
You’d think saving babies would be enough. Dobbs saved the babies. What more does the right need? “We won; pop the bubbly.” But that’s not how the right’s wired at the moment. Sure, saving babies is great and all, but the MAGA right’s too distracted to appreciate the victory. They’ll ...
Remember the Dhaliwal brothers? No? Good. Like yesterday’s bowel movement, they don’t deserve remembering, let alone an encore. That said, I’m gonna reluctantly invoke them, because even the worst of mankind can offer lessons for the rest of us. Christmas Day 2007, brothers Kulbir (23) ...
You didn’t think you could just walk away from Covid hysteria, did you? You didn’t think it would just end, right? In fact, “Phase II” is about to begin. And I’m not talking about more masks ’n’ jabs. I’m talking about a new iteration, a mutation. Not a viral one, but a ...
California State Senator Steven Bradford (Compton, Watts, Inglewood, and the dead rapper district of Long Beach) is the blackiest black in the state’s Democrat machine. Bradford so black, every time he visits Long Beach port, the vessels get sickle cell. As a legislator, he’s single-mindedly ...
Regarding the Uvalde school shooting, most of us have already cycled through the Seven Stages of Vicarious Grief. That’s the process that follows every mass shooting, when we pick our “why” from the list of seven approved mass shooting causes, and we criticize everybody who picked a different ...
Leftists love to paint Tucker Carlson as a racist, a Klansman who grows strange fruit in his backyard. If so, he’s the first Klansman in history who hates discussing race. There are many examples; here’s one of my favorites. In February 2021, Tuck launched a bizarre narrative about how the ...
Regarding pop music, Miley Cyrus once said, “It’s not the notes you play that matter, it’s the notes you don’t.” Wait, that was Miles Davis, and he was speaking about jazz. Oh, and there’s no proof he ever said it. You gotta be careful with quotes. As in, don’t pass a ...
Last September I penned a piece speculating about the consequences should Roe v. Wade be overturned. Seems like a good time for an update. Keep in mind, abortion ain’t my wheelhouse, or my bailiwick, or my (consults thesaurus) demesne; during my days as den mother to Hollywood GOPs, I could ...