J. J. Sefton

J. J. Sefton

J.J. Sefton spent over 40 years in both advertising as a creative director, as well as in motion pictures, both in front of the camera and as a screenwriter. He now aggregates the news and editorializes the day's top stories for the Morning Report at Ace of Spades HQ and his own CutJibNewsletter, where he also co-hosts a twice-weekly podcast. He is also the author of The End of America: 100 Days That Shook the World. A native of Brooklyn, Sefton escaped New York in 2022 and now resides in southern Wisconsin.

Jane Fonda

Ain’t It Good to Know, You’ve Got a Fiend

Is it Democrat leftist ideology that drives their incompetence, or is it something else? The cognitive dissonance many leftists display is off the charts when the policies and laws they implement come crashing down. Stalin and his ilk always blamed kulaks, saboteurs, anti-Bolshevik ...

Enrique Roberto

How Many Divisions Does SCOTUS Have?

Inscribed on a frieze adorning the facade of the Thurgood Marshall United States Courthouse in lower Manhattan is an excerpt of a letter written by George Washington to Attorney General Edmund Randolph dated Sept. 28, 1789: The true administration of justice is the firmest pillar of good ...

No One Is Above the Lore

There’s an old expression that goes, “It’s an ill wind that blows nobody any good.” My dear departed mother-in-law turned that old saw on its ear and used to say, “Never does an ill wind blow that doesn’t blow some good.” I don’t know if she herself came up with that or if she just ...

Columbia University Library

Hello Muddah, Hello Faddah, Here I Am at Intifada

Between the kangaroo court show trials of Donald Trump, the continued persecution of the J6 political prisoners, whose fates (and most likely ours too) are tied to his, and the constant barrage of depredations that are tearing this country apart, it’s way too easy to become inured and numbed by ...

When Ideology Trumps Sanity

Inundated by the constant tidal wave of horrible news hitting us here at home, as well as abroad as the world finds itself in the express lane toward a massive regional Middle East War that could easily blossom into a global conflict, the relief and schadenfreude that comes along every once in a ...

Francis Scott Key Bridge

Like a Bridge Over Maxine Waters

I don’t think I could have chosen a better or more appropriate metaphor for the abject disastrous state that this nation finds itself mired in than what happened this past Tuesday morning in Baltimore. And the cherry on top of this parfait of flaming horse dung—a sack of which, appropriately ...

Bloody Knows (or Taken Completely Out of Kotex)

Nashville, TN, along with many other urban areas that have suffered for years, even decades, under Democrat-Leftist control, was not immune from the “mostly peaceful” Burning, Looting, and Murdering that took place during that long hot summer of 2020. In fact, Nashville was rocked by violence ...

Supporters of president Michel Martelly. Cap-Haitien, 2013.

It Takes a Pillage

For Joey “Sponge-Brain Sh*ts-Pants” Biden and the Democrat Left, it’s the best of times and the worst of times. As three-plus years of an intentionally erased border and the concomitant flood of over 8 million undocumented, unvetted foreigners have caused untold havoc on the safety and ...

Barack Obama

Don’t Fire Until You See the Whites

Sixteen years ago this July, the then-presumptive nominee of the Democrat Party for president, Barack Obama, gave a pre–Independence Day speech in Colorado Springs, featuring the usual platitudes about our history, our heritage, and the meaning of the day. Considering his shady past and life ...

If It Saves Just One Life…

Whatever inalienable right or God-given freedom you are born with that the Democrat Left seeks to diminish or strip from you altogether on the pretext of safety or security, via laws, regulations, or executive orders, they will always use the phrase “If it saves just one life, it will be worth ...


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