Wednesday, October 12, will mark the 141st anniversary of General Robert E. Lee’s death. He was a giant who epitomized the best that used to distinguish America from the rest of the world. Robert E. Lee embodied a rare combination of breeding, class, and honor along with a republican spirit, ...
A historian (and ex-Marine) friend reacted to Scott Locklin’s essay about the importance of tough manliness: “One of the reasons I hate liberalism is that it is wimp liberalism.” He then adduced the therapeutic state’s handling of violent criminals as an example of limp liberalism. He said ...
They can be grasped conceptually in a hundred ways, yet they cannot be named. Take, for example, the 2002 B flick They, about a young woman haunted by demons who invade her dreams, then her days, and eventually rape and devour her. Perfect. Or take They Live, a 1988 B movie in which aliens from ...
They bring tens of millions of 7th-century Muslim immigrants to 21st-century Europe and then clamp down on Europe for resisting the unnatural graft. They bring tens of millions of subliterate irredentist Mexicans to American territory conquered from Mexicans and then call “racist” those who ...