The Week That Perished

The Week’s Most Perverted, Subverted, and Disconcerted Headlines IS JIMMY KIMMEL A CLOSET HOMO? For nearly three years now, our late-night comedians have eschewed comedy in the service of churning out unfunny and morally hysterical propaganda against our butterscotch-flavored president Donald ...


Dear Editor, Re: Reich’s Laboratory, by Steve Sailer I’m grateful Mr. Sailer has given us this subject to discuss, although he sometimes takes us from the main theme. His introduction of the book and work of David Reich caused me to look further on the Internet and I see that Sailer’s ...

The Week That Perished

The Week’s Most Sclerotic, Neurotic, and Robotic Headlines DERSHOWITZ: LEAVE DONALD ALONE! Celebrity lawyer Alan Dershowitz—who, to our knowledge, has never been employed as a male model—pulled a Chris Crocker last week and told Special Counsel Robert Mueller to drop the ...

The Week That Perished

The Week’s Most Coercive, Discursive, and Subversive Headlines STUDENTS MARCH ON D.C., DEMANDING GOVERNMENT KEEP ITS OWN GUNS AND TAKE EVERYONE ELSE’S On Saturday in Washington, DC, hundreds of bajillions of angry American students—their frothy rage whipped up and financed by the likes of ...

The Week That Perished

The Week’s Muddiest, Cruddiest, and Bloodiest Headlines HILLARY CLINTON: STILL FALLING, STILL CAN’T GET UP As everyone who isn’t an incorrigible, woman-hating, minority-lynching bigot knows, Hillary Clinton was the most qualified candidate ever to run for office, and the only reason she ...

The Week That Perished

The Week’s Loopiest, Droopiest, and Poopiest Headlines REFUSING TO DISAVOW FARRAKHAN Born Louis Eugene Walcott 84 years ago in the Bronx, the man known and beloved by millions of Americans as Louis Farrakhan just can’t keep his hi-yella yap shut about Jews. You’d figure that after blaming ...

Julius Malema

The Week That Perished

The Week’s Thickest, Slickest, and Sickest Headlines SOUTH AFRICA TO WHITE FARMERS: SHUT UP AND GIVE US YOUR LAND South Africa is a magical land of nonpareil beauty with extremely high rates of murder, wealth inequality, and HIV infection. For a long time it was ruled by evil white males until a ...

The Week That Perished

The Week’s Most Inveterate, Degenerate, and Confederate Headlines CONFEDERATE FLAG SPOTTED IN SEATTLE! The Pacific Northwest is an extremely white area of the USA that has extreme problems with its extreme whiteness. They treat their five or ten black people up there as exotic pets and suffer ...

Gregory Peck in To Kill a Mockingbird

The Week That Perished

The Week’s Most Resistant, Persistent, and Inconsistent Headlines MINNESOTA SCHOOLS KILL “MOCKINGBIRD” If you—that’s right, YOU—living there in your institutionally racist bubble of marshmallowy white privilege—were under the impression that Mark Twain’s Huckleberry Finn and Harper ...

Justin Trudeau

The Week That Perished

The Week’s Wispiest, Crispiest, and Lispiest Headlines TRUDEAU VS. MANKIND At the present moment Justin Trudeau is the prime minister of Canada, a frozen block of ice that exists for no other reason than to be jealous of the United States. Clad in a pink shirt and waving a rainbow flag, Trudeau ...