The Affirmative Action Honor System The utility of Affirmative Action is that it allows affluent whites, who are never impacted by it, feel enlightened and even more superior to the lower class whites who are impacted by it; and who can be easily dismissed as racist should a note of complaint be ...
The Week’s Most Predatory, Statutory, and Transitory Headlines IS NEW YORK’S ATTORNEY GENERAL A RACIST, WOMAN-BEATING SEXUAL PREDATOR? New York State Attorney Eric Schneiderman has basked in the estrogen-tinted afterglow of the #MeToo movement, posturing as a champion of women’s rights and ...
Enumerating Jews Mr. Sailer quips that “great-grandpa wasn’t trying to join a WASP golf club, he was instead blackballed by a German Jewish golf club.” Or not. My German Jewish great-great-grandfather fought for the Confederacy, made a fortune in real estate, and was refused entrance to ...
Donald Trump: The First Jewish President? Whoa Mr Cole, which Jews are you talking about? Just about everyone at the synagogues I attend, think President Trump is the greatest thing that happened to America since the 1st person put cream cheese and lox on a toasted onion bagel. The dying breed of ...
The Week’s Most Overweight, Reprobate, and Boilerplate Headlines A PIG CALLED RANDA The first thing you notice when looking at a picture of Randa Jarrar is that she is extremely fat. The fact that she’s a fat fattie can’t be stressed enough, which is why we’re opening with it. Roughly the ...
Donald Trump: The First Jewish President? David Cole’s “Donald Trump the First Jewish President” touches on many if not most of the reasons the American Jewish community despises Donald Trump. But, there are some others. My lifelong proximity and interaction with American Jews leads ...
The Week’s Yuckiest, Suckiest, and Starbuckiest Headlines BLACK PEOPLE GO TO STARBUCKS? In a racially charged story that has shocked our fractured and bleeding nation to its quivering core, word out of Philadelphia is that black people go to Starbucks. This startling fact was confirmed as news ...
Slavery: The Inconvenient Truth Highest complements to Mr. Wessels on his courageous and thought-provoking essay published April 3rd. I would enjoy reading a more in-depth exposition of African tribal warfare in the slavery era should he care to tackle the subject. Sincerely James Pellerin Too ...
The Week’s Most Agonized, Balkanized, and Compromised Headlines REPORT: “CHILD” REFUGEES LIED ABOUT THEIR AGE It is not paranoid to suggest that the current “refugee crisis” that was engineered by global finance and enabled by endlessly unnecessary US military meddling in the Middle East ...
Re: An Uncivil Society It is not a “very small pressure group” that has created this “atmosphere…in Western societies…in which…honest and respectable people” fear reprisal for expression of “…dissenting views about a matter of considerable symbolic if not numerical ...