
In Defense of Degeneracy Mr.  Goad, Your latest rant hit things pretty much bang on: assail the humorless, puritanical cretins of the left with plain speech, ribald humor and pitiless ridicule and watch them spontaneously combust in their own bacon fat. Your assessment of the Amish as being ...

Louis Farrakhan

The Week That Perished

The Week’s Most Uptight, Impolite, and Dynamite Headlines JUDGE ORDERS PRESS BLACKOUT OVER TOMMY ROBINSON ARREST Tanning salon owner, English Defence League founder and anti-Islam agitant Tommy Robinson was jailed for 13 months on Friday for the crime of standing outside a British courtroom ...


Can a Pope Change Moral Truth? I did Infectious Diseases for a career during which I shepherded many a gay man to a death due to AIDS. These men are wired differently; their sexual fantasies, even from childhood involve only other males. These feelings pain most of them. The pope is right to ...

Colin Kaepernick

The Week That Perished

The Week’s Most Boring, Soaring, and Adoring Headlines CENSUS: NEARLY A QUARTER OF AMERICANS OVER AGE FIVE DON’T SPEAK ENGLISH AT HOME If you count the illegal aliens who come to our nation and gorge on our cake and champagne like a bunch of party-crashing ingrates, around 21.6% of US citizens ...


Occam’s Condom I’m a single black woman who lives in LA County. I’ve beaten the STD odds across the board—meaning none—using a very simple method: conducting my life God’s way for a very long time. For clarification, I’m talking about Jesus the Christ. I ...

The Week That Perished

The Week’s Most Alien, Mammalian, and Sesquipedalian Headlines BLACK WRITER SETS ODDS ON WHEN TRUMP WILL FINALLY SAY THE “N-WORD” Michael Harriot is a black man who writes for The Root, a site where black people get together to talk about being black in a world that’s constantly seeking to ...


The Affirmative Action Honor System The utility of Affirmative Action is that it allows affluent whites, who are never impacted by it, feel enlightened and even more superior to the lower class whites who are impacted by it; and who can be easily dismissed as racist should a note of complaint be ...

Eric Schneiderman

The Week That Perished

The Week’s Most Predatory, Statutory, and Transitory Headlines IS NEW YORK’S ATTORNEY GENERAL A RACIST, WOMAN-BEATING SEXUAL PREDATOR? New York State Attorney Eric Schneiderman has basked in the estrogen-tinted afterglow of the #MeToo movement, posturing as a champion of women’s rights and ...


Enumerating Jews Mr. Sailer quips that “great-grandpa wasn’t trying to join a WASP golf club, he was instead blackballed by a German Jewish golf club.” Or not. My German Jewish great-great-grandfather fought for the Confederacy, made a fortune in real estate, and was refused entrance to ...


Donald Trump: The First Jewish President? Whoa Mr Cole, which Jews are you talking about? Just about everyone at the synagogues I attend, think President Trump is the greatest thing that happened to America since the 1st person put cream cheese and lox on a toasted onion bagel. The dying breed of ...