Thirty years or so ago, I wrote an article about a mugging in New York's Central Park, one that today would have got me arrested for breaching PC rules, but back then was overlooked by the Ministry of Truth, its Gestapo agents busy looking under our beds for anti-communists. ...
War and Peace has been in the news lately, so what was it that Leo wrote about all happy families being alike? Tolstoy came to mind last week right here in Gstaad when I encountered probably the worst-looking family I’ve ever had the bad luck to run into in the past 79 years. I wonder if Count ...
This is a certainty: Donald Trump would be the next chancellor if he were running for office in Germany. Mass assaults on German women by recently arrived Muslim Arabs have finally managed to change even the inherited-guilt German mind. Let's take it from the top: Germany took in more than a ...
Okay, sports fans, what do Dame Vivien Duffield and Evelyn Waugh have in common? The answer is absolutely nothing, but why start 2016 with a dumb question such as this one? Waugh was short and round and so is Vivien, but except for height and weight there are no similarities. So why ask? Easy. I ...
Here's some more good stuff from the "academy" to get 2016 really rolling. It concerns Cecil Rhodes, the empire builder who left an Oxford University college more than 50 million big ones in today's money with the following stipulation: "No student should be qualified or disqualified ...
2016 will be a hell of a year, hell being the operative word. It will be the year that the greatest Greek writer since Homer will turn 80, but we won"t mention this fact for quite a while yet. Our world is so stuck in reverse that a stabbed woman in Miami during the Art Basel shindig who was ...
The week between Christmas and New Year's is a long one, recovery time for many of us. The silliest newspaper in the world, The New York Times, uses it to slip in some propaganda posing as news, but that's not news for most of us, is it? The Times is first and foremost anti-Christian, ...
Have we ever needed Christianity more than today? It’s a rhetorical question, for sure, because the loss of our faith and the inability to confront Islam have never been greater. When I was a little boy during the war, my mother assured me that if I believed in Jesus everything would be okay. ...
Who said that African-Americans lack initiative? It was obviously a fool, and a racist to boot. White folks never came up with terrific initiatives such as speech codes, political correctness, and boycotting speakers you don"t like. Well, maybe some white folks did, mostly Jewish intellectuals ...
Things turn very frivolous around this time of year. Barf-inducing parties by pop culture schlock merchants selling their wares are a nightly transgression, the hacks duly reporting the shenanigans of doped-up rappers the next day as once upon a time they detailed the haut monde. London isn’t ...