It’s Juneteenth, and to celebrate 158 years since the end of American slavery, why not make amends by adopting a poor black woman’s clitoris? That is the idea behind ClitorAid, a genuine charity started by a “pro-clit” global UFO cult, the Raelians, following a meeting between the sect’s ...
As Annual Excessive Gay Pride Month continues, it is important we all pause for a moment and remember the ongoing trans genocide—and even more important we remember no such thing is actually happening. Around 32 trannies were killed across America in 2022, not necessarily even for being ...
Annual Excessive Gay Pride Month is here, and, as emblems of the Rainbow Reich are forcibly hoisted everywhere like sodomite swastikas, it seems to many as if the world has gone absolutely insane. But might there be some evidence homosexuality itself is either a cause, or even an outright form, of ...
Netflix’s new pseudo-documentary Queen Cleopatra has now finally been released, having drummed up loads of free publicity via the simple expedient of misleadingly casting a black actress in the role of Cleo herself, thereby implying she was less Queen of the Nile, more Queen Latifah. Gullible ...
I didn’t watch King Charles III’s coronation because, with its much-trailed emphasis on “diversity,” I knew it wasn’t really aimed at me but at the likes of Adjoa Andoh, the black actress best known for anachronistically playing Lady Danbury on the dire Netflix fancy-dress soap opera ...
The new Tetris movie, available now on Apple TV+, is by all accounts pretty good, for a film about obscure 1980s business deals relating to an old videogame about rearranging falling bricks into a cohesive wall until such a point as they reach the top of the screen and it’s Game Over. But should ...
When I was at school, a girl was caught under a desk at the back of a classroom one day, lining up schoolboy all-comers to hand them out blowjobs at the ridiculously low, low price of only £1.00 a go ($1.25 at current exchange rates). Upon hearing this, I was genuinely shocked—because it was a ...
Is the appearance of the fashionably mutilated face of Dylan Mulvaney on limited-edition cans of Bud Light a sign of the imminent End Times? The launch of the preening celebrity tranny’s recent controversial beer-sponsorship campaign came a mere two days prior to the 50th anniversary of the birth ...
Today, 24 April 2023, marks seventy years since Winston Churchill got down on one knee and allowed Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II to dub him into a “Sir”—but was the true queen here actually Winnie himself? Churchill’s reputation has taken a bashing lately. Winston, we are now told by ...
The third week of April, as always, sees two of the most significant red-letter days of the year—National McDonald’s Day, on 15 April, and the birthday of Adolf Hitler, on 20 April. As usual, I celebrated by heading toward the nearest drive-through and ordering a Big Mac and fries while dressed ...