Establishment voices are finally, grudgingly admitting that murders and shootings are up spectacularly in 2020. But the reasons, they all agree, are immensely complicated and rather boring. Perhaps, they muse, it has something to do with lockdowns? Or there could be any number of other subtly ...
The more we get lectured about White Supremacy, the even less supreme whites get, both quantitatively and qualitatively. Is this merely because whites are losing power demographically and thus it’s ever more risk-free to insult them? Or is it also that white performance is being depressed by all ...
You might think that Isabel Wilkerson’s best-selling book Caste: The Origins of Our Discontents might be timely because Kamala Harris is descended both from a high-caste Brahmin mother and a Jamaican father from that island’s “middle-class brown” caste. Harris’ father, a retired Stanford ...
Center-left Vox pundit Matthew Yglesias’ new book One Billion Americans: The Case for Thinking Bigger is actually two contradictory polemics. The book is both a sensible call for making family formation more affordable for younger Americans, and a demented demand for tripling the population of ...
Last week, The New York Times complained that whites now make up only three-fifths of the population but still hold four-fifths of the most powerful jobs in America: Faces of Power: 80% Are White, Even as U.S. Becomes More Diverse These are 922 of the most powerful people in America. 180 of them ...
In my three decades as a media critic, this summer’s huge effort by the press to cover up the endless rioting by George Floyd’s mourners has been its most shameless and shameful episode yet. Until very recently, a remarkable number of naive Americans had fallen for the mainstream media’s ...
This week the mainstream media finally grudgingly admitted the possibility of what I’ve been hollering for three months: that their declaration of a “racial reckoning” has unleashed destruction and mayhem across America. While most of the press’ attention is focused on a handful of whites ...
Egged on by Joe Biden and Wisconsin governor Tony Evers, a mob of Black Lives Matter rioters has been burning down Kenosha, Wis. They are angry over the latest police shooting of yet another black criminal who assumed he is racially entitled to resist arrest. The new Zeroth Amendment to the ...
Why do blacks get hassled by the police so much? The Occam’s Razor explanation is the one you are never supposed to mention in public: because on average African-Americans commit so disproportionately many crimes, especially murders. I will therefore summarize some important crime statistics ...
While increasingly forgotten today, writer-director Oliver Stone might have been the most talked-about figure in American popular culture from 1986 through 1992, when the press suddenly went to war against him over his JFK conspiracy-theory movie. Stone’s new memoir Chasing the Light recounts ...