Tom Stoppard

Full Stoppard

The English stage’s second Elizabethan Age might not compare to its first, but it’s been nothing to be ashamed of. And Sir Tom Stoppard has been the closest to its Shakespeare. Strikingly, of all the major English-language authors of the later 20th century, Stoppard was the most dedicated ...

The Racial Reckoning’s New Normal: 50 Murders Per Day

Everybody is talking about murders, such as the Atlanta massage parlor massacres, the Muslim terrorist in Boulder, and the Washington, D.C., adolescent girl carjackers. But tiny sample sizes of spectacular crimes allow polemicists to hype whichever claims they want. What we need are large amounts ...

And Yet, It Moves

Walter Isaacson, the respected biographer of Steve Jobs, has turned his talents to Jennifer Doudna, who won last year’s Nobel Prize in Chemistry for coinventing the CRISPR gene editing technique. In his The Code Breaker: Jennifer Doudna, Gene Editing, and the Future of the Human Race, the ...

Poison, Mutilate, and Sterilize

Nothing exemplifies the madness of our times more than the fervent push since 2013 by therapists, educators, social workers, and journalists to poison, mutilate, and sterilize girls who have self-diagnosed themselves with the novel social-media-transmitted hysteria now known as rapid-onset gender ...

Catcall and Response

Ayaan Hirsi Ali, a refugee from Islamic Somalia’s maltreatment of women, asks in her important book Prey: Immigration, Islam, and the Erosion of Women’s Rights why few feminists dare mention the ongoing diminishment of the basic female freedom to walk down the streets of Europe unharassed by ...

Black Lives Murdered

As the evidence continues to mount that 2020’s record growth in murders was mostly due to “BLM” meaning, in practice, Black Lives Murdered, it’s worth reviewing one of the more subtle reasons why so many people can’t think clearly about America’s murder problem. Besides the obvious ...

Merrick Garland Is in the Dark about Antifa

When asked if he regards the endless attempts by Antifa rioters to burn down the federal courthouses in Portland and Seattle as acts of domestic extremism and terrorism, Merrick Garland, Joe Biden’s nominee to be Attorney General, replied: So an attack on a courthouse while in operation, trying ...

The Miasma Theory of White Racism

Scientific-minded dissidents frequently compare today’s orthodoxy that the cause of whatever ails blacks is—and, indeed, must be—white racism to discarded scientific constructs such as phlogiston in chemistry and aether in physics. But the most informative comparison might be to the long, ...

One Man Banned

I’m back from two weeks in semi-self-imposed Twitter gulag after having refused the tech monopoly’s Darkness at Noon-style demand that I personally delete two of my tweets for being “hateful.” The requirement that I admit my guilt was reminiscent of how Stalin insisted that Bukharin and his ...

But Where Are the Clients’ Yachts?

There’s an ancient Wall Street joke about a visitor to the Hamptons who is shown harbors full of the yachts of stockbrokers and bond salesmen. He naively inquires, “But where are the customers’ yachts?” We might ask the same question about the clients of diversity consultants. These days, ...