In the spirit of Aristotelian moderation, allow me to suggest that an emerging danger of the 21st century is that the non-Western world could get overly right-wing. Ironically, a major cause would be that white Western liberals are focusing all of their firepower"using as cat's paws flagrantly ...
Last week, America's institutions of higher learning were in turmoil over Halloween costumes. How can minority students survive Yale if their diktats are ever subjected to skepticism from grown-ups? This week, we are told to not get too excited over 129 people being slaughtered in the streets, ...
On Monday, America's undergraduate college system melted down in three humiliating incidents. At Yale, in a brouhaha over Halloween costumes that has been dragging on for a week and a half now, a distinguished professor apologized for defending freedom of speech and thereby triggering a black ...
My old friend Raymond Wolters, a professor of history at the U. of Delaware for 50 years, has come back from five months in the hospital waiting for his lung transplant to write the first narrative account to make sense of the fads and fashions that have roiled K"12 public schools since the ...
Reactionary author Michel Houellebecq's novel about an Islamic takeover of France, Submission, was published the day of the slaughter at Charlie Hebdo. In fact, the satirical publication's cover that bloody morning was a cartoon of the notoriously decrepit-looking Houellebecq prophesying, "In ...
Almost three years ago, the Academy Awards gave the Best Picture Oscar to Ben Affleck's Iranian hostage drama Argo to encourage making more medium-budget movies for grown-ups. Bridge of Spies, Steven Spielberg's Cold War film about the negotiations to exchange Soviet spymaster Rudolf Abel for ...
Steve Jobs, the superbly theatrical film about the Apple cofounder's turbulent mid-career arc, opened in Los Angeles and New York over the weekend to the best per-theater grosses since American Sniper. It looks as if it will be another upmarket hit for screenwriter Aaron Sorkin in the tradition of ...
With the sports and movie seasons in full swing in October, I"m reminded of the many unanswered and often even unasked questions about one of the more pervasive changes of my lifetime: the spread of weight lifting and steroids. Put simply, athletes and actors don"t look all that much ...
Europe's self-inflicted "migrant crisis" ought to serve as a warning to Americans citizens that there's no time like the present for planning ahead to stymie similar mass assaults on America's borders. Immigration trickles tend to become floods: "How did you go bankrupt?" Bill ...
In the 14th century, the English philosopher William of Ockham introduced what has come to be known as Occam's Razor for its usefulness in slicing through intellectual bloviations: Among competing theories that predict equally well, the simplest should be preferred. About a decade ago, I coined ...