
Rock & Roll Reversal

The much-discussed death of Prince last week brings up an old question: Why do pop stars tend to be rather fey? Granted, using Prince as an example of any statistical pattern is a dubious enterprise. Prince went through life as a sample size of one. An odd duck who awkwardly combined feminine ...

San Francisco

The San Fran Whitening Plan

The city of San Francisco has become a notoriously unaffordable place to live. Two-bedroom apartments in San Francisco currently average $4,126 per month, up from $1,840 in 2009. To buy a three-bedroom home would run you $1,612,500. With San Francisco being one of the epicenters of the ...

Henry Harpending

The Scientist vs. the SPLC

The dumbing down of the establishment left is amusingly illustrated by how the Southern Poverty Law Center, America's most lucrative hate group, put the great scientist Henry Harpending (1944"€“2016) on their "€œExtremist Info"€ blacklist as a "€œWhite Nationalist"€ on the grounds ...

Thinking of England

Due to the vagaries of the lunar calendar, the 100th anniversary of the Easter Rising in Dublin is either just past us or coming up in late April. In either case, today is a convenient occasion for trying to put Irish history into some sort of long-term perspective. The 1916 attempted nationalist ...

Racial Ratios

Earlier this month, John Rivers tweeted out his hope for the future: I dream of a world where a mid­level manager in a mid­level company can accurately quote FBI crime statistics on Facebook and not be fired. We don"€™t live in that utopia, however, so you should be cautious about mentioning ...

The American Hitler or the American Netanyahu?

Staying up all Monday night to write a column for publication Wednesday morning is a tricky business when elections fall on a Tuesday. So let me offer four longer-term perspectives. First, Hispandering. While we still have Marco Rubio to kick around some more, let's ponder just how badly the ...

Rhetorical Momentum

Last week, Hillary Clinton tweeted a line from her South Carolina primary victory speech:"€œInstead of building walls, we need to be tearing down barriers. We need to show that we really are all in this together."€ "€”Hillary in SC Because the Democratic front-runner was clearly referring ...

Plaques for Blacks

Last week, I pointed out that the social sciences were suffering from mirror-image problems: the much-publicized Replication Crisis, in which academics announce trivial findings that turn out to be not reproducible, and the less-discussed Repetition Crisis, in which the only explanations for ...

The Replication Crisis and the Repetition Crisis

With data becoming ever more abundant, this should be the golden age of the social sciences. And yet they seem to be suffering two mirror-image nervous breakdowns"€”the Replication Crisis and the Repetition Crisis. Outright made-up-data fraud is hardly unknown in academia, but the double ...

The Ultimate Minority Right

In recent weeks, I kept meaning to write up a stylized history of the evolution of political ideology over recent centuries. But my examples"€”why Andrew Jackson rather than Alexander Hamilton will get booted off the currency, how Spike Lee learned painfully to start denouncing Hollywood for ...