What if Charles Murray is right? What if some of the various racial gaps in cognitive performance are due to genetics? Would that be the end of the world? It is considered appropriate to hyperventilate as if you believe so. On the other hand, what if Murray is wrong and his best critic, James ...
Increasingly, social-grievance jihadis are getting themselves worked up over casting decisions in movies, TV shows, plays, and even operas, labeling anything they disapprove of as "whitewashing." Granted, the number of beneficiaries of disputes over which celebrities will get which roles ...
Are campus leftists getting dumber? It sure seems that way. For example, a black activist stabbed four students yesterday at the University of Texas, murdering one. That's just kind of vile and moronic. The trend is the reverse of a half century ago when the radicals tended to outwit the ...
Lately, American higher education is notoriously prone to tantrums. Two more academic meltdowns last week raise connected questions: First, are scholars allowed to suggest any explanation for racial disparities other than that White People Are Bad? Second, if they can"t say anything heretical ...
American academia markets itself as progressive if not downright radical. For example, here's a self-description by an assistant professor of Critical Identity Studies at Beloit College: She intervenes in popular visual media like reality television to interrogate how time moves and for whom to ...
Just as the 21st century has witnessed the paradox of the rhetoric of white privilege and the reality of white death, we"ve also seen increasing black privilege, but with the benefits flowing mostly to the whitest of blacks. The ongoing flight from white helps those blacks who are almost but ...
Nobel-winning economist Angus Deaton and his wife, Anne Case, have released a new study, "Mortality and Morbidity in the 21st Century," enumerating how many unprivileged whites have died from despair while privileged whites prattled about the curse of white privilege. Judging from ...
The recent riot at Middlebury College by science denialists who put a woman professor in the hospital while attempting to do violence to Charles Murray has elicited passionate defenses by advocates of intellectual conformity. For example, former university president Robert Weisbuch wrote to The ...
Congressman Steve King (R-IA) has noticed just how extremist today's respectable conventional wisdom has become. So King has been exercising a Trump-like knack for trolling the Establishment with blunt truths that enrage goodthinkers into revealing just how much their worldview is founded upon ...
It was a bad week for the Southern Poverty Law Center, America's self-appointed witch-sniffers-in-chief. For decades, the SPLC, despite its comic history of money-grubbing and out-of-control vilification, has been treated by the mainstream media as the unquestionable authority about who the Bad ...