The Sailer Strategy

As the Duke of Wellington more or less said after the Battle of Waterloo, it was a damn close-run thing. But the Trump campaign triumphed using what my editor at VDARE, Peter Brimelow, likes to call the Sailer Strategy. As I explained 16 years ago during the Florida recount after the 2000 ...

Andrew Garfield in Hacksaw Ridge

Mel Gibson: Back Into the Fray

Rather like Donald Trump's campaign for president in 2016, Mel Gibson's 2004 movie The Passion of the Christ was not popular in Beverly Hills. I overheard the following conversation in a Rodeo Drive screening room while Gibson's Aramaic-language movie was doing historic business in Chicano ...

It’s Who You Know

Will the FBI find any interesting emails from Hillary Clinton in the trove on the laptop of former congressman Anthony Weiner, the estranged husband of Hillary's gofer-in-chief Huma Abedin? I don"€™t know. Hillary has survived in the national spotlight for a quarter of a century by boring her ...

Sabrina Rubin Erdely’s Malice in Blunderland

If you want to understand Hillary Clinton's campaign for president, a good place to start is the current libel trial against Rolling Stone for publishing Sabrina Rubin Erdely's ridiculous hate hoax article, "€œA Rape on Campus: A Brutal Assault and a Struggle for Justice at UVA."€ As I ...

Rigging Elections

Ironically, the most far-reaching scheme to rig this and future American elections isn"€™t being plotted in the Kremlin (as Hillary Clinton and the ruling media warn). Nor is it being hammered out in K Street offices by lobbyists, Democratic operatives, and their press counterparts (as Donald ...

Bill and Hillary Clinton

Sexual Politics

Late last week, the respectable media was shocked, shocked to discover that Donald Trump is a horndog of almost the same caliber as his golf buddy Bill Clinton. One advantage of being old is that current events become more amusing the more of the past you"€™ve endured. For example, the ...

From Orwell to Gladwell and Back

In politics, secrecy and silence are becoming less practical, while noise and distortion are coming to dominate. Thus, the 2016 election raises questions of how strategies of political power are evolving as we move from an age of information scarcity to one of superabundance. Almost by ...

Border and Order in the Debate

One hour and one minute into the first presidential debate, Donald Trump finally mentioned, in passing, the word that had gotten him this far: "€œborder."€ And then Trump immediately forgot to bring up borders anymore, other than a rushed reference to the Border Patrol endorsing him. (He ...

Hillary Clinton

Hillary Held Hostage

As demonstrated by a weekend of immigrant Muslim terrorism in Minnesota, New York, and New Jersey, Mrs. Clinton has left herself a hostage to fortune. While still the overdog in the campaign, her repeatedly passing up opportunities to pivot away from the Establishment's extremist conventional ...

Sick and Tirade

It has been a fun week for everybody (except Hillary Clinton) since my last column began by asking: If Donald Trump were as bad as she says, shouldn"€™t Hillary drop out so a better candidate could beat him? After noting her two coughing breakdowns on Labor Day, I inquired: If Hillary ...