Queen Elizabeth I

Kingship and Kinship, Nepotism and Neposchism

A skeleton dug up from a parking lot in Leicester, England last year was confirmed this month to be King Richard III. This provides as good an excuse as any for exploring the now overlooked but always relevant complexities of kinship. The last of the Plantagenets ruled England until his 1485 death ...

Mother’s Baby, Father’s Maybe

A young English teacher at a public high school in New Jersey emails me: I"€™m just in my third year of teaching, so I get stuck with the remedial classes. I mean, what are you going to do? But the stress of dealing with bad behavior is wearing me down. I ask myself why the old teacher's honors ...

Israel’s Fertility Policy Bears Fruit

With the Washington establishment agreeing that what America needs right now is to double down on guest workers and amnesty for illegal aliens, it’s worthwhile to notice how a serious country such as Israel deals with past mistakes in immigration policy. In America, we try not to learn from ...

Did Heavy Metal Brain Damage Cause the 1960s?

As part of my continuing series on the causes of the 60s, let’s consider Kevin Drum’s revival (”America’s Real Criminal Element: Lead”) in Mother Jones magazine of the recurrent theory that lead poisoning leads to the decline of civilization. When I was young, it was ...

David O. Russell

David O. Russell’s Comeback From Crazytown

Few disagree with the line from the old Jimmy Buffett song that “If we couldn’t laugh, we’d all go insane.” Yet in movies, humorless characters are funnier. There’s nothing more painful onscreen than somebody who is supposed to be witty and wise delivering a line that ...

Jessica Chastain

A Wilderness of Mirrors

Kathryn Bigelow, director of the Kill Osama thriller Zero Dark Thirty (which goes into national release Friday), has always been the film nerd's dream date: attractive, classy, artistically ambitious, feminine, and fascinated by men who like blowing up stuff. The favorite gal of the Boys Club of ...

Jamie Foxx

Tarantino Explained

Quentin Tarantino's Django Unchained is, among much else during its leisurely 165-minute running time, an adolescent male revenge fantasy about an omnipotent mass shooter wreaking carnage upon dozens of victims. I suspect the film would have appealed profoundly to the late Adam Lanza. You might ...

Charles Whitman

Monsters of Egotism

Mass shootings have been a recognized phenomenon in the US since Charles Whitman went up the tower at the U. of Texas with a rifle in 1966 and entered Baby Boomer lore.  That's about as far back as I can remember, so I can"€™t tell you if these kinds of horrible events happened just as ...

That (Jewish) 70s Show

As I"€™ve been pointing out in intermittent columns, much of the received wisdom about the 1960s doesn"€™t make much sense. One major reason is that human psychology generally doesn"€™t behave according to the reigning worldview in which the people who complain most about being victims must ...

John F. Kennedy

Birth of the Victory Riot

The great mystery of my lifetime has been the 1960s. It's worth returning to this vast subject periodically as new perspectives unveil themselves. The closest thing to a successful prophecy of that era was made by science-fiction writer Robert A. Heinlein in his 1941 Future History chart, in which ...