At a campaign event in Florida the other day, Rudy Giuliani was confronted with a gaggle of anti-abortion protesters, who shouted: “You need to go to confession!” Poor Rudy: he’s abstained from actually campaigning for so long that he doesn’t have time to go to ...
The Center for Public Integrity does a public service by documenting how they lied us into war in Iraq: “President George W. Bush and seven of his administration’s top officials, including Vice President Dick Cheney, National Security Adviser Condoleezza Rice, and Defense Secretary ...
According to The New Republic, and the Reason/Cato crowd, Ron Paul is a racist whose makes explicit appeals to white supremacist and anti-Semitic audiences through the use of “code words,” and, if he isn’t a racist neo-Nazi himself, he most certainly is representing that slice of ...
No response to my TTD piece so far from Jamie Kirchick, author of The New Republic‘s failed attempt to smear Ron Paul, but one of his “libertarian” enablers at the Cato Institute has responded. Or, rather, non-responded. Here’s the money quote: “I, for my part, ...
The hysteria that is energizing the campaign to smear Ron Paul and his supporters as "racist" is reaching a crescendo of viciousness, as the Beltway "libertarian" crowd revs up its motors for a righteous purge. Writing in the online edition of Reason magazine, David Weigel and ...
Well, he beat Benito in Michigan—and the Second Coming of Reagan, too. Even the Los Angeles Times is forced to sit up and take notice. Even if the Paul campaign winds up as a blip on the electoral screen, a mere footnote in the long history of the GOP’s decline and fall, it will ...
In a review of Jonah Goldberg’s recently published book, Liberal Fascism —the cover alone which caused a minor blogospheric dust-up in the months prior to publication—Matt Yglesias writes on his Atlantic blog: “Beyond specific errors, lapses in logic, etc. the biggest ...
Within the conservative movement of the time, such as it was, the main appeal was a visceral anti-Communism, which generally appeared in two varieties. The McCarthyite "enemy within" version, practiced with alacrity by such outfits as "Counterattack," which put out the infamous Red ...
Members of the Old Right like Murray Rothbard were "apostles of discord" because they challenged and opposed all those Good Things that non ""extremists" embraced, like the Welfare State, the United Nations, and the liberal-collectivist shibboleths of the time, which were indeed ...
I had grown up a conservative, weaned on National Review, the "fusionism" of Frank Meyer, and the bedrock constitutionalism of Barry Goldwater... As far as I was concerned, the libertarian movement was founded at the 1969 convention of Young Americans for Freedom ,where a libertarian burned ...