Justin Raimondo - Taki's Magazine

Naderism in Defense of Liberty is No Vice

No conservative or libertarian can possibly contemplate voting for either of the "€œmajor"€ party candidates, this time around, on several grounds, the most conspicuous being their intractable and almost instinctive predilection for deploying the all-too-visible hand of government as the ...

Establishment Messiah

Obama's campaign would have us believe that he's the anti-corporate candidate, a populist "€œman of the people" whose race for the White House is being funded by tens and twenties sent in by ordinary folks who can"€™t wait to see him crack down on Wall Street abuses. What they don"€™t want ...

Deconstructing the Debate

I was going to live-blog the debate, but it was so boring that I fell asleep before I could post it on Takimag. In any case, this was supposedly a debate about foreign policy, but more than half of it was taken up with the peculiar obsession of the insufferable Jim Lehr, of PBS, who manages to ...

Come Home, America!”€”to the Real Conservativism on TV

If you think that FOX News"€”with its bleached-out blonde anchorbabes made up to look like mid-price hookers, and its braying neocon mouthpieces trumpeting the party line"€”is the televised voice of conservatism, then think again. Sean Hannity, Bill Kristol, et al. offer up plenty of ...

Michelle’s Moment

I love political conventions, in part because I remember the olden days, when there was some doubt as to their outcome. Nowadays, of course, party conventions are carefully choreographed events, as is the coverage. I"€™m watching MSNBC, out of habit, but their "€œreporting"€ is barely ...

Wanna Bet?

“The fact that a great many Jewish neoconservatives"€“people like Joe Lieberman and the crowd over at Commentary"€“plumped for this war, and now for an even more foolish assault on Iran, raised the question of divided loyalties: using U.S. military power, U.S. lives and money, to make the ...

Fireworks in the Fog: Reflections on the Fourth of July

In what is surely an "€œonly in America"€ phenomenon, the most patriotic holiday of the year celebrates the overthrow of the government. That says a lot about this country, or, rather, about the way it used to be. This time around, the Fourth merely underscores how far we have wandered, and ...

Gay Marriage Sucks!

The recent decision by the California Supreme Court overturning a ban on gay marriage has, once again, thrust this issue into the malestrom of political debate, and, simultaneously, revived the sagging fortunes of groups on both ...

Welcome to the Circus

Life is a circus, and we pundits are the ringmasters, and so, as we segue into the weekend, let’s take a look at what the clowns are up to .... The Prosecution Rests —In a new report issued by Physicians for Human Rights,  Maj. Gen. Antonio Taguba—the officer in charge of ...

Ross Douthet and the Rise of the Bizarro-cons

Some people never learn: “I don’t think the lessons of Iraq necessarily discredit liberal internationalism, or realism, or neoconservatism, or any of the many theories of U.S. engagement with the world that were invoked to justify support for the war. I don’t come away from the ...