Scott is half-right—I suffer from a Syndrome having to do with restlessness, but it has nothing to do with my legs .... Moving right along, however: I am perplexed by this paleocon jihad against McDonald’s, Walmart, and other commercial venues. Of course, I’ve never actually ...
I have a solution to Scott Richert’s McDonald’s conundrum: if you don’t like McDonald’s, then don’t patronize them. I know that’s terribly complicated, but there you have it. Is Senor Richert proposing to nationalize the fast food business, in order to get the ...
Via Nick Gillespie, in Reason‘s “Hit and Run” blog, we have this wonderfully subversive video brought to you by a gay New Yorker with a distinct aversion to hypocrisy: <object width=“425” height=“350”><param name=“movie” ...
This has got to be one of the most inspiring fundraising appeals of recent times: Help cover Frum’s ...
Stephanopulous asks “What will you restore to the office of the President of the United States?” None of the candidates, except for Ron Paul, really addresses the question: Tancredo: Islamic. Terrorism. Jihadism. No more political correctness. (Hey, that’s pretty ...
On the “fair tax”: Huckabee: Yes, it will end the underground economy. No more dope dealers, prostitutes, and Bad People in general. You’ve heard about the Great Society: this is the Vanilla Society…. Romney: No. Blither. Blather. Don’t I have a great ...
Video question on the role of the Vice President. Should there be a constitutional amendment on the role of the VP? McCain: Jokes about the role of the VP being to ask, daily, about the health of the Prez. “There is only one President.” Tommy Thompson: Defends Cheney. Giuliani: ...
More on the Iowa follies: On Barack Obama’s plan to bomb and/or invade Pakistan: Giuliani is in favor, of course. Is there any crazed foreign policy “option” he wouldn’t take? Romney doesn’t want to talk to “our enemies”—but he would “keep our ...
“I am going to be judged by History,” proclaims Mad John McCain at the Iowa debate, “not public opinion polls.” Translation: L’Etat, c’est ...
“I overslept,” writes Kathyrn Jean Lopez in National Review‘s “The Corner. “Almost forgot about the Republican debate. Woke up to Iowans cheering Ron Paul. Hit snooze.” Yes, Kathryn, go back to bed: you’ve been sleeping since the war began. Why wake up ...