Ron Paul is a family man—and his numerous progeny are out there campaigning. Here’s his son, Rand Paul, speaking at Fanueil Hall, in Boston: <object width=“425” height=“355”><param name=“movie” ...
Christmas in Iraq—here‘s what it’s like: “A suicide truck bomb killed at least 20 people and wounded 80 in the northern Iraqi city of Baiji on Tuesday, the police and U.S. military said. In the province of Diyala north of Baghdad, a suicide bomber wearing a vest packed with ...
The Smear Bund never rests—not even on Christmas. Especially not on Christmas. And they’ve been really active lately, what with Ron Paul gaining in the polls and in the hearts and minds of a growing number of young people: we can’t have that! I’ve waded through the muck and ...
An Israeli soldier tackles a Palestinian protester dressed as Santa Claus or Father Christmas during at a protest against Israel’s separation barrier in the village of Umm Salamunah near the biblical West Bank town of Bethlehem. Israeli guards beat five demonstrators during the protest on ...
I understand the, uh, over-sensitiveness of Christians when they believe they are being forced to take their Christianity out of “the public square,” as my good friend Scott Richert avers, but the Huckster’s “floating cross” ad is a vulgar display of ...
Finally, Ron Paul is acting like a contender—attacking the other candidates: <object width=“425” height=“355”><param name=“movie” value=“http://www.youtube.com/v/BrkltetQ0x4&rel=1”> <embed ...
Jim Geraghty, writing in National Review, has some advice for Ron Paul: “In a perfect world, I’d like to see Ron Paul say, ‘My campaign has never been about money, but we find ourselves with more money than we will need from a nationwide network of generous grassroots supporters. ...
Jonah Goldberg's critique of the Paul campaign " published in the dead-tree version of National Review -- is surprisingly respectful, but, alas, he gets several things wrong: heck, he gets just about everything wrong. But then, if he didn"t, he"d be in the Paul camp, and probably ...
Look who’s leading in Alaska! The state’s caucus is held in early February. Perhaps by then the Huckabee bubble—or is that boil?—should have ...
The highlight of the Iowa GOP debate: when Keyes ranted about “hot air” coming out of the mouths of politicians, and Paul quipped “Doctor, heal ...