Shmuel Rosner, writing in Ha’aretz, is skeptical of Ron Paul’s position on Israel—no aid—and furthermore avers: “Much has already been written about Paul and Israel. Some have accused him of being anti-Israel and have found anti-Semitic sentiments among some of his ...
The exclusion of Ron Paul by Fox News has created what can only be called an anti-Fox backlash: as a direct result of Fox’s high-handed methods, Ron’s been invited back for his second appearance on the Jay Leno Show—a venue that gives Ron far more exposure than the Bizarro ...
The latest Rasmussen poll shows McCain at 31, Romney at 26, with Ron Paul rising to third place: 14 percent. The Huckster is stuck at 11, Benito is hung upside down by his heels at 8 percent, with Thompson, “others,” and undecided accounting for the rest. This is the Fox-neocon ...
The War Party’s mantra—if you don’t support the war, the “surge,” the empire-builders’ agenda, then you’re not supporting the troops—has been effectively refuted by the latest Ron Paul ad to hit the airwaves. The Republian presidential candidate known ...
The real Ron Paul breakthrough I’ve been waiting for is this news item in the Washington Post, which notes that Dr. No is now acting like a real candidate: that is, he’s attacking his opponents, in this case the Huckster. Up until this point, you’ll notice, Ron has attacked ...
The Ron Paul campaign has faced its first test in Iowa. Score: B-minus. The hope was that he could break out with 15 percent, but 10 percent ain’t bad. What’s good—and what saves him from getting a C—is that he beat Benito Giuliani. Ah, sweet revenge! Rudy the Ranter is ...
I’ll bet some of you read my blog post criticizing (gasp!) Ron Paul for this ad: <object width=“425” height=“355”><param name=“movie” value=“”> <embed ...
Over at, the heroic Glenn Greenwald has the goods on the Bloomberg-for-President hot air balloon, which is now being pumped up by all kinds of “centrist” (i.e. unprincipled) politicians and the bloviating David Broder. Aside from detailing and documenting Bloomie’s ...
In a piece entitled “5 Moments That Changed the GOP Race,” Reid Wilson, of, describes number 5: “Ron Paul raises $4 million and $6 million in individual days. The important thing to remember: Ron Paul will not win the Republican presidential nomination. His ...
Rudy Giuliani’s poll numbers have been plunging ever since David “The Commissar” Frum and a platoon of neocons joined his campaign as top advisors—is this a case of cause and effect? Just asking ...